Berwyn's Arts Blog
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
New Play at 16th Street Theater
by Rohina
April 30—May 30, 2009
Buy Tickets / Get More Info at
Racism. Hate crimes. Love. Islam. Culture. Language. Life.
Five Muslim women in a post-9/11 world serve tea and uncover what lies beneath the veil in this compelling one-woman show.
Rohina is a writer and actress who specializes in solo performance. She was born and raised in London, England, and draws upon her Indo-Pakistani heritage for inspiration for her art. She performed at Live Bait Theater's Fillet of Solo, and workshopped Unveiled with Rivendell Theatre Ensemble.
This is sure to be a fascinating show. Tea beforehand provided by Todd & Holland from Forest Park.
Check out the VIP show, Saturday, May 2, 2009, at 5 pm. Champagne and wine served after the show. All for only $16.00.
Great time guaranteed! Or not.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Police Chief Kushner
Slowly making the transition to the arts blog, but if people are interested in retaining our current Police Chief, William Kushner, please write to the Mayor-elect, and indicate you would like William Kushner to remain Berwyn's Police Chief.
The Mayor-elect's email is
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Thursday Evening, and Beyond
TOMORROW!! If you wonder what is going on in Berwyn Public Schools...wonder no longer!
The All Berwyn Committee presents"State of our Berwyn Schools" When: Thursday, April 23rd, 7 p.m.
Where: Berwyn City Hall Council Chambers Speakers include the Superintendents and The Boards of Education from: *North Berwyn School District 98*South Berwyn School District 100*Morton High School 201*Morton College 527
Questions and Answers to follow! Refreshments Will Be Served
Please also remember to mark the following upcoming dates on your calendars!
Berwyn JAYCEES Mini-Golf Pub Crawl to Benefit BerwynCARES!
Saturday, April 25th
Depot District
Sign In: 11:30am-12:30pm (Windsor Bar)Tee Off: 12:30pm
After Party: 6:00pm (the 19th Hole? at Windsor Restaurant featuring pizza compliments of Salerno's.
Registration fee of $50 for a team of four. Questions? Call or email Joe Kroc at 708-288-7796
BerwynCARES 3rd Annual Spring Fundraiser for Scholarships!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Tiger O Stylies, 6300 W. Ogden
Tickets are $15, including appetizers and entertainment by local band Goat Rodeo Cash bar. Silent Auction and raffle items include theater and restaurant gift certificates, a 2 night stay at a Lake Geneva condo, sporting event tickets, spa services, piano and voice lessons and much more! Something for everyone!
Funds raised will be used to award scholarships to deserving 2009 graduates of Morton West High School. Email to reserve your tickets today (pay at door)
We need your gently used Children's Books!
BerwynCARES Summer's Worth of Reading Program. Donate Gently Used Children's books (Grades K-5) Help provide area low income children a Summer's Worth of Reading, by donating your gently used children's books.
All donated books will be given to children attending District 98 & 100 schools in grades K-5.
Drop-off Dates: April 6th - April 30, 2009
Berwyn Drop-off Locations:Fly Right Gifts at 6902 Windsor Ave
Dan's Bike Shop at 6715 Roosevelt Road
Over the Rainbow at 6836 Windsor Ave
Berwyn Public Library at 2701 Harlem Ave
For more information on these and other local events, please visit
Friday, April 17, 2009
Antique Show
Come out to the Rec, corner of East and 31st, on Saturday, April 18, 2009, from 9 am to 3 pm.
Check out the antiques, $2.00 admission, food, etc.
Brought to you by the Berwyn Historical Society.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Two Things
Two Things
BDC Afterhours
Grand Opening - Berwyn Food & Liquor, 6338 W. Ogden
Thursday, April 16, 2009, 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm
Wine Tasting
Friends of Library Book Sale
Thursday, April 16 - Members Preview Night 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Friday, April 17 - 9 AM - 4 PM
Saturday, April 18 - 9 AM - 4 PM
Sunday, April 19 - Buck-a-Bag Sale 1 PM - 4 PM
To gain entrance Thursday night, join the Friends of the Library prior to the sale or at the door and reap the benefits of supporting your library while getting the best pick of books and having refreshments.
Go check 'em out. Or not.
Two Things
BDC Afterhours
Grand Opening - Berwyn Food & Liquor, 6338 W. Ogden
Thursday, April 16, 2009, 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm
Wine Tasting
Friends of Library Book Sale
Thursday, April 16 - Members Preview Night 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Friday, April 17 - 9 AM - 4 PM
Saturday, April 18 - 9 AM - 4 PM
Sunday, April 19 - Buck-a-Bag Sale 1 PM - 4 PM
To gain entrance Thursday night, join the Friends of the Library prior to the sale or at the door and reap the benefits of supporting your library while getting the best pick of books and having refreshments.
Go check 'em out. Or not.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Words In Motion Festival
Blurred Vision, through April 11, 2009
Growing up with a disability, the crapshoot of healthcare and the power of storytelling form self-proclaimed hypochondriac, Tekki Lomnicki. Also featuring M.K. Victorson.
Today, 7:30 pm, 4-11-09, at 5 and 8 pm
Mixing It Up
Marilyn Campbell and Maria Merrin share their true mother/daughter saga about mixing the races, feminism, hair products and single motherhood in our time.
4-16-09 7:30 pm
4-18-09 5:00 pm
4-24-09 7:30 pm
4-25-09 8:00 pm
The Me, Mom & Dad Show!
An intergenerational romp! Martie Sanders and her folks reveal hilarious moments of parental imprinting, along with history, race politics, and a winning tap dance by 79-year old Charlie.
4-17-09 7:30 pm
4-18-09 8:00 pm
4-23-09 7:30 pm
4-25-09 5:00 pm $16.00 a ticket
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Election Results
1st Ward Nona Chapman, dem
2nd Ward, Jeff Boyajian, dem
3rd Ward, Marge Paul, IVB
4th Ward, Michele Skryd, dem
5th Ward, Cesar Santoya, Independent/Sen. Martin Sandoval
6th Ward, Ted Poloshek, dem
7th Ward, Rafael Avila, dem
8th Ward, Nora Laureto, dem(by two votes)
Mayor, Robert Lovero, dem
The three incumbents who ran on the District 100 school board all won.
The Berwyn Park District saw Ed Karasek easily win and newcomer Mario Manfredini also won.
The high school board has two Berwyn people representing us.
Township, all dems, except the last trustee position there is a tie between a dem and IVB candidate.
Voter turnout was incredibly low. The medical clinic referendum easily passed. It will be up to the new administration to pass the proper law or laws.
My prayers below:
That the Mayor-elect will be a full-time Mayor.
That the Mayor-elect will not represent buyers/sellers of Berwyn real estate.
That the Police Chief keep his job.
That the unions will not obtain generous contracts, but reasonable contracts.
That the IT Department Head keep his job.
That the Alderpeople continue without having gas keys.
That our Berwyn property taxes do not go up every year.
That the Alderpeople are not rubber stamps.
That the Mayor-elect not hire friends and those that gave political contributions.
That pink elephants can fly.
Congrats to the winners. To the victor go the spoils(original quote refers to war).
Monday, April 06, 2009
Below is why I could never vote for a Democrat in Berwyn. According to his logic, since I am not running to be re-elected as an Alderperson, then I have no right to speak about politics. Gotta love a democracy. And he wants to be my latex salesman? At the bottom, I again list Park and School recommendations. Only one more day.
You voted against it know it is a air tight un-winnable law suite waiting to happen. Do you not think that they purposely picked this town and location before going forward? A good lawyer would have ran this twelve ways to Sunday before picking this exact location. I assume the one they have is smarter than you.
The Mayor has never presented "all the facts" in his whole life! Only his side of the coin, what makes you think he is going to start now?!!
The mayor has not invited "all the alderpeople" I know, I sent out the notice. He only invite 1,4,6 & 7. Check your facts councilor, oh that's right, attorneys are not required to tell the truth, just win the case!
Why now, why not 3 months ago and the meeting could have taken place a city hall, in front of the ZBA where only the owners of the clinic showed up! That's what zoning hearings are for! ????????????????? It seems that OC can get away with this one now, it's close enough to the election and besides, he now has the expert advice of your neighbor Jerry for the election campaign. I heard he is OC unofficial campaign director, maybe you can clarify that for me?
Are you going to be around in 10-12 months when this shit hits the fan with litigation. Are you willing to contest this Federal Law suite to the tune of $200,000+ just to get to the door step of a Federal court? Or is this another one that you suggest settling for $50,000 to 60,000, but start at $20,000 and see if they bite? Are you willing to roll the dice like OC does?
As stated in my reply to the mayor, he is a disgrace to his office and you are too! I tell you what, instead of you showing up on Wed., go roll a fresh one and invite Joel over and have a good laugh!
Like I said, go ahead and name names, but remember, I can too! OC is going to make this the dirtiest election in Berwyns history and there has been a lot of dirty ones, but you have not been around long enough to know. While you and I were running around like two goody two shoes for OC in 2005, he was engaged in some pretty nasty shit behind the scenes. Well, I was keeping my ears and eyes open all the while and I still have only figured out half of what was going on to this day, but I am a lot wiser and better at it now! I'll fight back this time and I won't wait until he throws the first stone (he did that with Bruce in my office months ago.) WAKE UP MARK, HE IS A TOTAL PIECE OF SHIT!
Once again, if you are not going to put your name on the ballot, then don't name names. If you want to get out there on the front lines, then be my guess. I truly believe you have those rose colored glasses on. I am in there everyday and I see all of OC's bullshit on a regular basis. Don't sit on the sidelines or on the outside looking in, believing in all the purple bullshit and then think for one second that you have the pulse on anything. You want to stick your nose in this election, go ahead, but don't be upset when I name names!
PS you have no clue how or what happened prior to you moving to Berwyn. You have little clue on this adminstration has dragged us down into the pits and if you don't plan on running to carry this town into the future, then butt out!!!!!!!!!!!
District 100 School Board
New blood is needed:
Paul Crowe - new blood
Diego Estrella - new blood
Joanne Zendol(reliable leader)
Berwyn Park District
Ana Rios
District 201
Mark Titzer
Theodore Korbos
I also kindly urge you to vote for the IVB, which is closest to my beliefs and ideals. Hopefully, some of the things I was not able to accomplish, can be accomplished with a better IVB slate.
Also, one referendum:
"Shall the Mayor and the Berwyn City Council Pass an Ordinance establishing Locational Restrictions for Medical Clinics located adjacent to Residential Neighborhoods in the City of Berwyn?" Most people would vote yes on this as they do not want a medical clinic just anywhere. I plan on voting yes.
Friday, April 03, 2009
16th Street Theater
Words in Motion Festival.
Get rid of all the political hot air and get some fresh air for the month of May at the 16th Street Theater.
Words. Movement. Imagination. True tales brough to life.
Do not miss Chicago performers Tekki Lomnicki, Marilyn Campbell and Maria Merrin, and Martie Sanders in the Theater's second annual Words in Motion Festival from now through April 25, 2009.
Pick your favorite show, or see all three: Blurred Vision, Mixing It Up and The Me, Mom & Dad Show!
Blurred Vision - Tekki Lomnicki
Weekends Now through April 11, 2009
Mixing It Up - Marilyn Campbell & Maria Merrin
April 16 to the 25th
The Me, Mom & Dad Show! - Martie Sanders
April 16 to the 25th
Thursday, April 02, 2009
1st and 2nd Ward/Park District
Things to think about if you have not yet voted.
The independent running in the first ward, Frank Amaro, currently a Berwyn Park District commissioner and a strong republican, voted to put a 120 foot cell tower in Proksa Park. Additionally, he is very close to Senator Martin Sandoval and Senator Sandoval is attempting to gain influence in Berwyn, I believe.
Additionally, the current Alderwoman, Nona Chapman, as many know, voted to have a methadone clinic put in the Depot District, right next to a pediatrician's office.
No common sense. But then, my grandmother always said, "common sense is not common".
In the Second Ward, democratic candidate Jeff Boyajian, currently the President of the Berwyn Park District, also voted to put a 120 foot cell tower in Proksa Park.
No common sense.
Finally, for the Berwyn Park District, it is time for new blood. Ed Karasek has been on the Park District for more than thirty years I believe. While Ed is a nice person, and I respect him, again, it is time for new blood.
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
District 100 Job Openings
April 1, 2009
Receptionist – 12-week temporary position, bilingual preferred (approximately May 22 to August 17, 2009)
Summer Custodians (June 8 to August 21, 2009)
1st Grade Teacher – Irving
4th Grade Teacher – Komensky
5th Grade Teacher – Irving
5th Grade Teacher –Emerson
Art Teacher – Emerson/Piper/Komensky
Early Childhood Teacher – Emerson School
Early Childhood Teacher – Irving
Preschool Teacher – Irving
Preschool Teacher – Hiawatha
Special Ed. Teacher - Pershing
Special Ed. Teacher – Emerson (anticipated)
Special Ed. Teacher – Irving (anticipated)
Special Ed. Teacher – Komensky (anticipated)
Special Ed. Teacher – Piper (anticipated)
Kindergarten Transitional Bilingual Ed. Teacher – Hiawatha/Irving
1st Grade Transitional Bilingual Ed. Teacher - Pershing
Assistant Principal – Heritage (Type 75 required) Deadline to apply is April 9, 2009
Gifted Language Arts Teacher – Heritage
Reading Teacher – Freedom (anticipated)
Science Teacher – Heritage
Social Science Teacher – Heritage
Special Ed. Teacher – Heritage
Special Ed. Teacher – Freedom
Media Clerk – Hiawatha
Joan Maul
South Berwyn School District 100
Human Resource Dept.
708-795-2300 Ext. 4019