Berwyn's Arts Blog
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Dog Lovers
To animal lovers....please forward.
If you can't help, maybe someone you know can. See both messages below...
My name is Christie and I volunteer with Animal Education and Rescue in Libertyville. We have a working relationship with a shelter in Marion IN and the shelter manager there is a wonderful soul. They unfortunatley are closing at the end of June (roughly) and any animal there on that day will be euthanized..
2 other volunteers and myself went down to take pictures and bios of their dogs. We told them we would try to help place as many as we could in rescue groups. We are reaching out to all of the area rescues asking if anyone can help. I chose to reach out to the bully breed rescues as I own a pit mix and am fostering a pit bull and I LOVE them both dearly.
A link to the pictures: that Cindy Falstad took that day. If you can help please let me know by e-mail or phone 847-371-1147 or 847-404-8143. Transport will be provided.
Thanks in advance, Christie
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Volunteers Needed
The 3rd Ward is having a Centennial Ice Cream Social on June 11, 2008.
Volunteers are needed to pass out flyers to the residents.
Even if you have volunteered in the past and will be doing so again, please contact me so I can put you on the official list.
Simply reply to this post/email, and I will put you down.
Thank you all for the past, present and future. Or not.
Helping Homeowners with ARMs
On Saturday, May 17, 2008, from 11 am to 3 pm, there is a loan document review event that aims to help homeowners with Adjustable Rate Mortgages refinance into fixed rate mortgages.
It is being held at the Oak Park Public Library but the even is open to anyone -- it is not Oak Park exclusive.
There will be 6 banks there: Park National, Comm. Bank of OPRF, Citibank, Charter One, WAMU, and Fifth Third.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Public Notice
Transit-Oriented Development Workshop
Thursday, April 24, 2008, 6-9 pm at MacNeal Hospital
(Conference Room: call 708-788-8100 for more info)
The Berwyn Develoment Corporation, in conjunction with the City of Berwyn and Town Builder Studios team, invites you to a public workshop to disucss the Transit-Oriented development study for the Burlington Northern Santa Fe and Metra Rail corridor. At this workship, you will...
Receive an overview of the project scope
Hear a presentation on the proposed concept plans
Participate in a question and answer session
Give feedback on the plan
Additional information will be posted at
For those unable to attend the Public Workshop, the BDC will have extended input hours on Friday, April 25 and Saturday, April 26.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
City Council Recap, April 8, 2008
We now will have an agreement with a consultant for Roosevelt Road that will be working for Oak Park, Berwyn and Cicero.
Health insurance for the City was renewed, but at less of a savings than could have been done with a different plan. With the election around the corner in 2009, the Alderpeople are voting for votes, not for the residents. Important distinction. While the unions will be pushing for me to lose in the next election because they have the best health insurance of any municipal employees anywhere, I will continue to vote for the citizens and residents of Berwyn. So, when City employees are laid off because of no money, we can look to this vote and the fact that part-time Alderpeople also have the best health insurance plan of any municipal government. (I have health insurance at my day job, where I also pay for part of it).
Sorry, hate to ramble about politics, but it just infuriates me.
The biggest, and dumbest happening at the meeting involved the 8th ward alderperson. If anyone read the Chicago Tribune on April 11, 2008, front page, then you know what occurred. Otherwise, I will not repeat.
A revised licensing law for owners of apartment buildings with 5 or more units was passed. What this means is that owners of multi-unit apartment buildings will have to pass inspections, go to a class; bottom line, be better landlords.
It is not surprise that the City is attempting to acquire the northeast corner of Harlem and Cermak. This is a coveted corner and we hope to be able to redevelop it.
39 items. The above is most relevant. You always know where to reach me. Or not.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Ridgeland Avenue Construction
Pre-Construction Meeting, Ridgeland Avenue from 26th Street to Roosevelt Road
Brief summary of items discussed at the meeting:
• Central Blacktop is the Contractor, main office is located in LaGrange. Contact for this job is Mike Brooks at 708-783-4930.
• Traffic Control will be set in place starting March 31, 2008. Removals will begin April 1. Patching will begin mid-April. Locations for patching will be determined by the Cook County Resident Engineer (RE).
• The County’s RE’s name is Marjan Marjanovic, but goes by “Mike”.
• Catchbasin/inlet adjustments to begin April 1 until July. Any necessary storm sewer repair will also be completed at this time. The subcontractor is Dynamicx. Curb and gutter removal and replacement will also be performed at this time, but to be completed by the end of June.
• Paving to begin mid-May and continue until July and followed by final Striping and Punch List Items.
• Estimated working days is 41.
• Location of Contractor office has not been determined but most likely near the north side of the project.
• ComEd and Comcast have buried and aerial cables within the project limits.
• Nicor is installing new gas mains in the area. They have completed installation along 26th Street, which is in the pavement. Installation of new mains, in the parkway, between 16th Street and Roosevelt Road is proposed in the near future. Completion date of this project is in 2010 and will include restoration of the parkway.
• AT&T has crossings at 26th Street, Cermak Road, 19th Street and 15th Street.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Upcoming Events
Kiwani's Pancake Breakfast at the Presbyterian Church, Saturday, April 19, 2008, from 7:00am to noon, Clinton and 32nd Street. $4.00.
The Berwyn Historical Society's 18th Annual Antique Show is this Saturday, April 19 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Pavek Recreation Center at 31st and East. $2 at the door, raffle, bake and luncheon sales help the ongoing work of the BHS.
May 10, 2008, at Berwyn Public Library 2nd floor conference room: the BHS will be holding a FREE "How to Research Your Home's History" workshop.
June 1, 2008 is the Berwyn Historical Society's 3rd Annual Berwyn's Historic Bungalow Tour. Registration at the Health Center Building 6600 W. 26th Street. Advance tickets can be purchased on line at for $20 plus a charge card fee or the day of the tour for $25 cash or check only.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
All Berwyn Committee, Thurs., 4-17-08
All Berwyn Committee Meeting
7 pm, Thursday, April 17, 2008, Berwyn City Hall
Meet Elizabeth Jimenez, 2nd Grade Teacher at Pershing School, who will relate her personal journey from undocumented immigrant to U.S. citizen.
Meet Susan Greenberg, President of B.U.N.G.A.L.O., who will detail her organization's service to the City's gay and lesbian community.
Listen as Susan Anderson, A.B.C. President, puts things in the historical perspective of waves of immigrant populations moving to, sometimes through, Berwyn over the last century to create the diverse community we enjoy today.
Come. Get acquainted with A.B.C, a non-partisan, non-sectarian organization hosting public forums for over 60 years.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Berwyn After Hours
Berwyn Development Corporation
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Berwyn/Cicero Elks
26th and Ridgeland
5 to 7 pm
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Sunday, April 13, 2008
At Trinity Community Church
26th & Riverside Drive, Berwyn
Sunday, April 13th from 11:30-2pm
The best spaghetti lunch with live entertainment! Take a chance on some wonderful raffle prizes!
Tickets are: $10/Adults; $5/Children up to age 13; children under age 5 are free!
Your tickets may be purchased in advance by calling the Church Office (708-484-1818) or at the door on the day of the event. Carry-outs are also available at reduced costs.
The Church hopes to see you there!
Sunday, April 06, 2008
City Council Recap, March 25, 2008
Not too much to report. The City, for now, will not be paying for the Sixth Ward Alderman's defense.
We are getting closer and closer to starting the depot garage structure.
Berwyn, again, will be marketing itself this spring and summer.
That is about it. Should be another interesting meeting this Tuesday.
Or not.
Friday, April 04, 2008
Hydrant Flushing
The Berwyn Fire Department will be conducting the flushing of hydrants starting Monday April 21 and ending Friday May 2, 2008. Hydrants will be flushed from 9:00 am until 4:00 pm Monday thru Friday.
Residents may notice discoloration of water when flushing takes place in their neighborhood. Persons who experience discoloration of water can turn on their plumbing fixtures until the water runs clear. Run the water from a fixture that is located in the in the lowest level of your house. Do not do laundry during hydrant flushing in your neighborhood. Wait until you have clear running water before you start washing clothes. The hydrant flushing schedule is as follows:
Day 1 SOUTH of Burlington R.R. Tracks April 21, 2008
The following streets between East & Ridgeland Ave.
32nd, Fairfield, 33rd, Sinclair, 34th
Day 1 NORTH of Burlington R.R. Tracks April 21, 2008
26th Pky. between 26th St. & IC R.R. Tracks
26th Pl. between Home Ave. & IC R.R.Tracks
Riverside Dr. between 22nd St. & Harlem Ave.
29th St. between Kenilworth & Wisconsin Ave.
29th Pl. between Oak Park & Wisconsin Ave.
30th St. & 30th Pl. between Oak Park & Home Ave.
31st St. between Oak Park & Home
The following streets between East & Ridgeland Ave., 26th Pl., 27th St., 27th Pl., 28th St., 28th Pl.,
Day 2 Oak Park, Euclid April 22, 2008
Day 3 Wesley, Clarence, East April 23, 2008
Day 4 Scoville, Gunderson, Elmwood April 24, 2008
Day 5 Ridgeland, Cuyler, Highland April 25, 2008
Day 6 Harvey, Lombard April 28, 2008
Day 7 Grove, Kenilworth April 29, 2008
Day 8 Clinton, Home April 30, 2008
Day 9 Wenonah, Wisconsin May 1, 2008
Day 10 Maple, Harlem May 2, 2008
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Tonight, Poetry
An evening of poetry performance and discussion headed by Illinois Poet Laureate Kevin Stein at the Berwyn Cultural Center (6420 16th St.) on Thursday, April 3 at 7:00 PM.
Poems performed by actors will include Steins On Being a Nielsen Family and excerpts from acclaimed poet/playwright Susan Hahns The Scarlet Ibis.
Stein will read from his own work, followed by a dialogue on Poetry as Theater.
This event is FREE, but space is extremely limited. Call (708) 795-6704 to reserve. Limit 2 tickets per person.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
You are cordially invited to Troop 41's Spaghetti Dinner on April 5th 2008.
The time is from 4:30 PM to 10 PM at the VFW Hall on 15th and Harlem in Berwyn, IL.
Come on out an have a great Dinner and Music. They also have 3 X 5 American Flags for sale.
Cost for the Dinner is $9.00 all you can eat. (Buttered noodles, Marinara and Meat Sauce)
Cost for the Flag is $4.00 (If you retire one) $8.00 if you do not.
Come on out and support the Boy Scouts of Troop 41 and help them go to Summer Camp. They have plenty of food and would love to see you out there.