Berwyn's Arts Blog
Sunday, April 20, 2008
City Council Recap, April 8, 2008
We now will have an agreement with a consultant for Roosevelt Road that will be working for Oak Park, Berwyn and Cicero.

Health insurance for the City was renewed, but at less of a savings than could have been done with a different plan. With the election around the corner in 2009, the Alderpeople are voting for votes, not for the residents. Important distinction. While the unions will be pushing for me to lose in the next election because they have the best health insurance of any municipal employees anywhere, I will continue to vote for the citizens and residents of Berwyn. So, when City employees are laid off because of no money, we can look to this vote and the fact that part-time Alderpeople also have the best health insurance plan of any municipal government. (I have health insurance at my day job, where I also pay for part of it).

Sorry, hate to ramble about politics, but it just infuriates me.

The biggest, and dumbest happening at the meeting involved the 8th ward alderperson. If anyone read the Chicago Tribune on April 11, 2008, front page, then you know what occurred. Otherwise, I will not repeat.

A revised licensing law for owners of apartment buildings with 5 or more units was passed. What this means is that owners of multi-unit apartment buildings will have to pass inspections, go to a class; bottom line, be better landlords.

It is not surprise that the City is attempting to acquire the northeast corner of Harlem and Cermak. This is a coveted corner and we hope to be able to redevelop it.

39 items. The above is most relevant. You always know where to reach me. Or not.

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