Berwyn's Arts Blog
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Saturday, April 5, 2008
You are cordially invited to Troop 41's Spaghetti Dinner on April 5th 2008.

The time is from 4:30 PM to 10 PM at the VFW Hall on 15th and Harlem in Berwyn, IL.

Come on out an have a great Dinner and Music. They also have 3 X 5 American Flags for sale.

Cost for the Dinner is $9.00 all you can eat. (Buttered noodles, Marinara and Meat Sauce)

Cost for the Flag is $4.00 (If you retire one) $8.00 if you do not.

Come on out and support the Boy Scouts of Troop 41 and help them go to Summer Camp. They have plenty of food and would love to see you out there.

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