Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Public Notice
Transit-Oriented Development Workshop
Thursday, April 24, 2008, 6-9 pm at MacNeal Hospital
(Conference Room: call 708-788-8100 for more info)
The Berwyn Develoment Corporation, in conjunction with the City of Berwyn and Town Builder Studios team, invites you to a public workshop to disucss the Transit-Oriented development study for the Burlington Northern Santa Fe and Metra Rail corridor. At this workship, you will...
Receive an overview of the project scope
Hear a presentation on the proposed concept plans
Participate in a question and answer session
Give feedback on the plan
Additional information will be posted at www.berwn.net.
For those unable to attend the Public Workshop, the BDC will have extended input hours on Friday, April 25 and Saturday, April 26.