Berwyn's Arts Blog
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Re-Cap, City Council Meeting, March 20, 2007
The RTA gave the City a grant ofr a planning team for transit oriented development. Town Builders Studio won the $100,000.00 grant to study the entire Metra corridor as it bisects Berwyn.
Gelato Uno, a new place to be at 6625 W. Roosevelt, received TIF monies to expand the store into a vacant storefront.
The BDC received permission to go forward with ads and spaces in the Chicago area for Berwyn's ad campaign.
Two 3rd Ward residents were delayed from being appointed to the Library Board to fill expired terms. These two gentlemen are incredibly qualified to sit on the Board. One of them is an editor/writer and publisher. The other is a finance person, former teacher and coach who was a NCAA division I athlete, who also won an award for being the most inspirational teacher. Politics.
Despite the number of hair salons and barber shops being full in Berwyn, permission was granted over my lone dissent, to permit another hair salon to open on Highland Avenue, south of Ogden.
To all the bikers out there, Berwyn will be a part of the Chicago Bicycle Ferdation's trial ride of the Route 66 Bike Trail ride on National Trails Day that takes place on Saturday, June 2, 2007. Will stop at Proksa Park.
The 2007 budget was deferred for a vote to the last meeting where it can pass, which is March 27, 2007. If it does not pass then, a special meeting will be held on March 29, 2007.
The 2006 National Electrical Code and 2006 Illinois Plumbing Code was adopted as Berwyn's electrical and plumbing code respectively.
The fees for filing an appeal before the Zoning Board of Appeals have increased.
We are getting closer and closer to automated red light traffic enforcement. We adopted a resolution required by the Illinois Department of Transporation. Once IDOT approves us, the equipment can be installed and we are off and sending out tickets for violators of red lights.
The City will soon have all the sewers and streetlights on a digital map and accessible from a computer. We still use hand drawings from the '40's and '50's.
The biggest news is that the 2005 audit has been finalized and approved by City Council. We are almost caught up. The 2006 audit should be finished not much later than it otherwise would, which means the City will then be completely caught up with all the audits that were seriously behind.
Finally, a 3rd Ward Town Hall Meeting will be held Saturday morning, April 28, 2007 at Trinity Church, Riverside and 26th Street, at 11:00 a.m. You will receive a flyer at your door to remind you.
Friday, March 23, 2007
3rd Ward Town Hall Meeting
I am having a 3rd Ward Town Hall Meeting on April 28, 2007, at 11:00 am, at Trinity Church, 26th and Riverside.
Of course, I am shouting out for volunteers to pass out flyers for this event. Since being elected, I have had a Town Hall Meeting every six months.
If you have helped before, I will not assume you will help again. So, please, email me directly from this blog posting/email, or to my address at MarkWeiner1@Hotmail.Com
I am looking to have the flyers passed out after the April 17, 2007 election. This is a small window. Having said that, if you would like to help and must pass out flyers before April 17, 2007, please contact me.
As always, I thank you for your anticipated help.
Election, April 17, 2007
For the first time, I am recommending people for the upcoming election on April 17, 2007. I know all the people I recommend and believe all will be a great asset to their respective position. I will periodically send this out. Remember, the schools take a big bite out of your real estate taxes; more than the City's portion.
Without further ado:
District 201 Morton High School, 2 year term: Theodore "Ted" P. Korbos
District 201 Morton High School, 4 year term: Mark Titzer, Thomas E. McLain Eduardo Rios
South Berwyn School District 100, elementary and middle grade schools: Robin Scharpf, Diego Estrella, Jim Swicionis, Tony Harris
Morton College District 527 for 2 year term: I can not recommend anyone
Morton College District 527 for 6 year term Elmo "Gabe" Gonzalez
Berwyn Park District: Frank Amaro
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
School Candidate Forum
The PTA Council of South Berwyn will be holding a candidates' forum on Wednesday, March 21 starting at 7 PM for District 100 and District 201 board candidates. The forum will be at Heritage Middle School, which is on 31st street between Oak Park Avenue and Home Avenue.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
All Berwyn Committee
There will be a candidate forum TONIGH, THURSDAY, March 15th, at 7:00pm at Berwyn City Hall, 6700 W. 26th Street, for candidates running for Morton High School District 201 and Morton College District 527.
The forum is sponsored by the All Berwyn Committee (ABC), a non-partisan, non-sectarian organization. Come and learn more about the individuals who are seeking to represent you!!
The candidates running for the J Sterling Morton High School Board District 201 are: 2 year vacancy -
District 201 (vote for 1): Angelica M. Guerrero Theodore P. Korbos Jessica Jaramillo-Flores
4 year term -
District 201 (vote for 3):Mark Titzer Margaret A. Kelly Patricia J. Fortunato Thomas E. McLain Eduardo Rios Eulalia Ortiz Michael A. Iniquez Derek Dominick Jeffry Pesek
The candidates running for Morton College District District 527 are: 2 year term - District 527 (vote for 2):Joseph J. BelcasterAnthony MartinucciVictor P. Armendariz
6 year term - District 527 (vote for 2):Frank AguilarFrances F. ReitzElmo "Gabe" GonzalezAna RodriguezJonathan Guzman
- posted by Mark @ 9:13 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
City Council Meeting Cancelled
The City Council Meeting for tonight, March 13, 2007, has been cancelled. The Committee of the Whole Meeting for tonight has been cancelled. both have been re-scheduled to March 20, 2007. 6 pm for Committee of the Whole and 8 pm for City Council.
The public hearing for the appropriation ordinance will meet tonight, as planned, at 6 pm at City Council chambers.
Event to Remember, March 26, 2007
“Rise Up: A Community Gathering for Remembrance and Renewal”.
It will be held at the Pav YMCA on Monday, March 26 at 7:30pm. As you know, our community is grieving the loss of a student and struggling with the unthinkable – losing a child to a senseless and violent act.
Several community members have sensed and are responding to the need for a community gathering to help provide some hope and healing. The evening will begin with a remembrance led by Father Sanchez of Mary Queen of Heaven Church, followed by a moment of silence and song.
The remainder of the hour-long program will be led by community members and service leaders with a focus on strengthening our city through community action and involvement. Following the program, there will be a reception with light refreshments providing time for the community to visit with Berwyn’s leaders and explore ways to get involved.
We hope you will join us. Your attendance would help send a message of reassurance that you are committed to helping our community move forward and grow stronger in the wake of this tragic event. Please feel free to extend this invitation to anyone you know.
All Berwyn Committee
There will be a candidate forum THIS THURSDAY, March 15th, at 7:00pm at Berwyn City Hall, 6700 W. 26th Street, for candidates running for Morton High School District 201 and Morton College District 527.
The forum is sponsored by the All Berwyn Committee (ABC), a non-partisan, non-sectarian organization. Come and learn more about the individuals who are seeking to represent you!!
The candidates running for the J Sterling Morton High School Board District 201 are:
2 year vacancy - District 201 (vote for 1):
Angelica M. Guerrero
Theodore P. Korbos
Jessica Jaramillo-Flores
4 year term - District 201 (vote for 3):
Mark Titzer
Margaret A. Kelly
Patricia J. Fortunato
Thomas E. McLain
Eduardo Rios
Eulalia Ortiz
Michael A. Iniquez
Derek Dominick
Jeffry Pesek
The candidates running for Morton College District District 527 are:
2 year term - District 527 (vote for 2):
Joseph J. Belcaster
Anthony Martinucci
Victor P. Armendariz
6 year term - District 527 (vote for 2):
Frank Aguilar
Frances F. Reitz
Elmo "Gabe" Gonzalez
Ana Rodriguez
Jonathan Guzman
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Alderman Brocato Arrangements
The arrangements are as follows:
Adolf Funeral Home, 2921 Harlem Ave., Berwyn.Visitation Tuesday, 5-9 pm, Wednesday 3-9 pm
Thursday, 10:00 am services at St. Mary of Celle Church, 15th and Euclid Ave., Berwyn
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Crime Alert
I now know of two homeowners and a church that had the copper gutters taken from the premises.
If you have copper gutters, be on the lookout for thieves. If you know of friends or neighbors that have copper gutters, tell them of this insidious crime.
I would ask these people what they are doing. You need a permit to work on gutters. Feel free to call the police: 795-5600 is the non-emergency number.
Apparently, copper has gained in value and is now worth steeling.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Funeral for Ricardo Hernandez, Heritage student
Heritage Funeral Home
31st and Oak Park Avenue
Today Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Funeral tomorrow Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Mary Queen of Heaven -Cicero
Sunday, March 04, 2007
City Council, Feb. 27, 2007 Addendum
I forgot. The smoking ordinance was passed. I voted against it, since it really does not do anything to clean up the air. Alderman Ramos also voted against it.
Bottom line, you can smoke in bars, bowling alleys, coffee shops and in bar area of restaurants. You can smoke in bingo facilities and beer gardens.
So, bottom line, all the private interests were catered to. If the State passes a law against smoking that is like Cook County's law, then apparently, Berwyn will lose all of its businesses. And, according the non-scientific and anecdotal evidence, every bar, restaurant, coffee shop and bowling alley will go out of business in the State of Illinois if Illinois passes a comprehensive no smoking ordinance. Bunk is all I can say.
Smokers-continue to smoke as you have. I am not sure why this new ordinance is entitled "establishing clean indoor air standards...", when all it does is do just the opposite.
May lung cancer spread through your body. It is a nasty way to go. Second hand smoke is only a myth in Berwyn.
And, to top it all off, here is the section on bar areas: Bar areas must be separately vented, if feasible, and be situated so that air from the Bar Area is not drawn in or across any nonsmoking areas.
My bet is it will never be feasible.
City Council Meeting, February 27, 2003
The marketing budget for the BDC's marketing of Berwyn has been officially approved. Hopefully, the campaign will begin in July.
The City has an agreement with the YMCA to allow the Y to use a little City space at the Public Works for parking for an expansion the Y intends to do in the very near future.
We are in the process of having an intergovernmental agreement with Oak Park and Cicero for Roosevelt Road. Berwyn approved its portion. Ultimately, there will be a signing ceremony. Look for it in the next month or so.
Alderman Erickson thought it prudent to have a City employee re-instated pending the union grievance process. This employee had been fired, but the Alderman wanted the employee to come back to work until the grievance process was finished. Luckily, a procedural rule was used and this did not happen.
The Finance Director received approval to replace a ledger accountant position and to hire a new position, Senior Accountant, which would basically replace a temp person who has been working in the department.
The Computer Department received approval to move on updating our telecommunications system.
That is all for now. The 2007 budget will be up for vote at the March 13, 2007 City Council meeting.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
MIssing Person
Missing Endangered Juvenile
The Riverside Police Departments is investigating a missing/endangered female juvenile at was last seen at 7:00 pm on Monday, February 26, 2007 at the Riverside Public Library in the company of an unidentified male white subject.
The missing juvenile is: Erin L. Claywell, female white age 16, height 505, weight, 105, eyes blue, hair brown, complexion fair, and was last seen wearing blue jeans and a brown jacket with fur around the hood. Erin has shoulder length straight brown hair and wears wire rimmed glasses.
Anyone with information on this missing juvenile should call Detective Sergeant Bill Legg, 708-447-2127, X262 or