Saturday, March 24, 2007
Re-Cap, City Council Meeting, March 20, 2007
The RTA gave the City a grant ofr a planning team for transit oriented development. Town Builders Studio won the $100,000.00 grant to study the entire Metra corridor as it bisects Berwyn.
Gelato Uno, a new place to be at 6625 W. Roosevelt, received TIF monies to expand the store into a vacant storefront.
The BDC received permission to go forward with ads and spaces in the Chicago area for Berwyn's ad campaign.
Two 3rd Ward residents were delayed from being appointed to the Library Board to fill expired terms. These two gentlemen are incredibly qualified to sit on the Board. One of them is an editor/writer and publisher. The other is a finance person, former teacher and coach who was a NCAA division I athlete, who also won an award for being the most inspirational teacher. Politics.
Despite the number of hair salons and barber shops being full in Berwyn, permission was granted over my lone dissent, to permit another hair salon to open on Highland Avenue, south of Ogden.
To all the bikers out there, Berwyn will be a part of the Chicago Bicycle Ferdation's trial ride of the Route 66 Bike Trail ride on National Trails Day that takes place on Saturday, June 2, 2007. Will stop at Proksa Park.
The 2007 budget was deferred for a vote to the last meeting where it can pass, which is March 27, 2007. If it does not pass then, a special meeting will be held on March 29, 2007.
The 2006 National Electrical Code and 2006 Illinois Plumbing Code was adopted as Berwyn's electrical and plumbing code respectively.
The fees for filing an appeal before the Zoning Board of Appeals have increased.
We are getting closer and closer to automated red light traffic enforcement. We adopted a resolution required by the Illinois Department of Transporation. Once IDOT approves us, the equipment can be installed and we are off and sending out tickets for violators of red lights.
The City will soon have all the sewers and streetlights on a digital map and accessible from a computer. We still use hand drawings from the '40's and '50's.
The biggest news is that the 2005 audit has been finalized and approved by City Council. We are almost caught up. The 2006 audit should be finished not much later than it otherwise would, which means the City will then be completely caught up with all the audits that were seriously behind.
Finally, a 3rd Ward Town Hall Meeting will be held Saturday morning, April 28, 2007 at Trinity Church, Riverside and 26th Street, at 11:00 a.m. You will receive a flyer at your door to remind you.