Sunday, March 04, 2007
City Council Meeting, February 27, 2003
The marketing budget for the BDC's marketing of Berwyn has been officially approved. Hopefully, the campaign will begin in July.
The City has an agreement with the YMCA to allow the Y to use a little City space at the Public Works for parking for an expansion the Y intends to do in the very near future.
We are in the process of having an intergovernmental agreement with Oak Park and Cicero for Roosevelt Road. Berwyn approved its portion. Ultimately, there will be a signing ceremony. Look for it in the next month or so.
Alderman Erickson thought it prudent to have a City employee re-instated pending the union grievance process. This employee had been fired, but the Alderman wanted the employee to come back to work until the grievance process was finished. Luckily, a procedural rule was used and this did not happen.
The Finance Director received approval to replace a ledger accountant position and to hire a new position, Senior Accountant, which would basically replace a temp person who has been working in the department.
The Computer Department received approval to move on updating our telecommunications system.
That is all for now. The 2007 budget will be up for vote at the March 13, 2007 City Council meeting.