Berwyn's Arts Blog
Friday, October 28, 2005
City Council Meeting, October 25, 2005
Bids were open for a new cleaning service for various City buildings. The range was from$52,000.00 to $300,000.00 plus. How can bids be so different?
City Hall will be closed on December 26, 2005. This was changed from December 23, 2005, which is not a Federal holiday.
The infamous diagonal parking at 6701 W. 21st St. was approved. The 4-4 vote was broken by the Mayor. I again voted for this as we need condo conversions. Additionally, the developer will be replacing the three trees with seven.
We have a computer service maintenance agreement in effect now. This was approved. What the City needs to do is get a comprehensive long-range plan for servers and computers.
The resurfacing should begin ASAP on Oak Park from Ogden to Pershing. Avoid this area.
The City has approved re-financing of certain debt. The final vote, with final interest rate percentages will be approved at the next meeting November 8, 2005.
The 3rd Ward Project for Stanley/Grove/32nd and Oak Park should be finalized at the November 8, 2005 meeting. It better. The attorneys need to get their butts in gear. Having said that, the City has helped its position in the last couple of months to better protect itself.
Bike racks should be going in the Depot District in the spring paid for with grant monies.
The shortest meeting yet, simply because there were the smallest number of items.
If you want to be a Neighborhood Watch Captain, contact me or the Police Department. MarkWeiner1@Hotmail.Com.
I am also on the ad hoc Committee to hire the new Police Chief. We are down to six, from more than 50.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
3rd Ward Town Hall Meeting
There were more than 125 people who attended this meeting on Monday, October 24, 2005. We had, in attendance, the Mayor, Police Chief, Police Captain in charge of the Neighborhood Watch Program for our area, the Fire Chief and the Community Outreach Director. As everyone in attendance witnessed, everyone in government is trying hard to make our City much more viable and progressive and liveable and just a great place to live.
I will not give my agenda on what I spoke about, nor recap the questions from the audience. Needless to say, there is work being done and work that needs to be done.
I just want to thank, again, all my volunteers who gave everyone in the 3rd Ward notice of the meeting. I want to thank Mary Morrison who is in charge of the Presbyterian Church where the event took place. And, if I have forgotten anyone, I do apologize. I sincerely appreciate everyone's effort.
And, I want to thank the Academy. Kidding.
As always, if you want to participate in the new Neighborhood Watch Program, contact me at MarkWeiner1@Hotmail.Com
And, if you would like to be notified of when this blog is updated, email me a request.
Friday, October 21, 2005
City Council Meeting from October 11, 2005
Berwyn now has an agreeement with Cicero on combatting gangs. We will be working with the Town of Cicero and actively share information.
The US Post Office received some parking spots ont he Vacin Fairway.
Banners are still the topic for the light poles in Berwyn. Actually, nothing approved yet, but after a Committee of the Whole Meeting on October 18, 2005, we should get a consensus soon and do a little something to beautify the City by simply putting banners on the light poles.
Dave Miklos, a fellow 3rd Warder, is replacing me on the West Suburban Mass Transit Board. Being an Alderman, I was not allowed to sit on the Board. He will be good. The Board can award money to Cities(like Berwyn) for train projects or things, in our case, in the Depot District.
Taverns and amusement places will now be allowed to have 2 more video machines and one more pool table. I was against this. The machines, in my humble opinion, can and do, attract not the greatest element.
The City is purchasing two new ambulances that are desperately needed.
A variance for a business at 6727 Stanley, to allow manufacturing of wood products was denies. This would be a great place for a business, but instead is being used to simply be a warehouse. And, I might add, the Alderpeople(not me) had previously awarded a decent amount of TIF monies to re-do the facade. I suspect that will not occur now.
We are still trying to figure out how best to maintain and update the City's computer system, which is not the greatest.
The Alderpeople also voted to investigate the new Fleet Manager to see if it is a worthy position. Excuse me, if that is the case, let us look at all the 400 plus positions. I, again, was against this.
Bike racks will be coming to the Depot District-something I began back in June, I believe. A nice design has been picked out by Patrick from the BDC and should be paid for with grant money.
Do not forget the 3rd Ward Town Hall Meeting at 32nd/Clinton, the Presbyterian Church, on Monday, October 24, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. Refreshments will be served.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Tax Appeal Meetings
Commissioner Larry R. Rogers, Jr. of the Cook County Board of Review will hold two forums in Berwyn Township for Berwyn Township property owners on appealing their property tax assessments. The forums will be held:Thursday, October 27, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. at VFW of Berwyn, 1535 Harlem Avenue in BerwynANDFriday, October 28, 2005 at 10:30 a.m. at Berwyn Police Station, 6401 West 31st Street in BerwynAll property owners who file an appeal will be given full consideration, and if supported by evidence the Board will reduce the assessed value of the property. Property owners are requested to bring their tax bill.“Appealing your property tax assessment is easy and straightforward, and my staff will help you through every step of the process,” said Commissioner Rogers. “No citizen should have to pay more than their fair share of property taxes.”There is no fee to file an appeal, and in most cases an attorney is not necessary. The Board of Review does not assess property, set the tax rate, or collect taxes. The Board of Review serves as an independent Board mandated to review assessment appeals. For further information
Friday, October 07, 2005
Pullman House Tour
My wife and I are going Saturday. We have been before. Very cool houses with a fantastic history. Hopefully, this walk can give ideas for our own Berwyn Bungalow Walk to be held in June, 2006.
Seven 1880s homes on Pullman tour
October 7, 2005
BY BILL CUNNIFF Homelife Reporter
Seven restored homes -- built in the 1880s -- will be open for viewing this weekend during the annual Historic Pullman District housewalk.
The village of Pullman was built by rail car magnate George M. Pullman as a planned community of residences, shops, schools, recreational facilities and industry to accompany his Palace Car Co.
Pullman's company was noted for its elegant railroad sleeping cars. When a Pullman car was attached to President Lincoln's funeral train, demand for the company's sleeping cars grew quickly.
Pullman cars were quite expensive, sometimes several times the price of other railway cars. But the elegant cars had sleeper compartments with fine sheets and pillows, and they were set up with connectors between cars -- to keep out wind and noise.
Pullman was built for workers to escape the dangers of the city's industrial workplace. The village provided a clean, safe and aesthetically pleasing environment for the workers to live in and work. Then, in return, George Pullman could recruit the best craftsmen from around the world to work and reside in what was billed as "The World's Most Perfect Town."
Unskilled laborers resided in rather modest cottages (14-foot wide, but with outstanding amenities for their time). The homes were superior to that available to the working class elsewhere. Skilled laborers had larger cottages. And executives lived in much larger homes.
Homes on tour will include executive residences, skilled craftsman homes and worker cottages. Sometimes, researchers find the names and occupations of the homes' original owners.
Hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.
Tickets are $18, and $15 for seniors.
Tours begin at the Historic Pullman Visitor Center, 11141 S. Cottage Grove.
A 20-minute introductory video will be shown every half hour.
It's the 32nd annual tour. Today, Pullman is a diverse neighborhood on Chicago's South Side. Residents are focused on preservation.
The Pullman Historic District contains nearly 1,000 of the original residential structures of the town and many significant public buildings -- all designed by architect Solon S. Beman between 1880 and 1893. The Pullman Historic District has been a city, state and national Historic Landmark since 1972.
Historic Pullman District housewalk, (773) 785-8901, or visit
Each residence was provided with gas and water, access to complete sanitary facilities and abundant quantities of sunlight and fresh air. These factors brought Pullman to be voted the world's most perfect town at the Prague International Hygienic and Pharmaceutical Exposition of 1896.
"I have always held that people are very greatly influenced by their physical surroundings," George Pullman once said. "Take the roughest man, and bring him into a room elegantly carpeted and furnished, and the effect upon his bearing is immediate. I have faith in the educational and refining influences of beauty."
Pullman employees built the town. The homes were made of brick fashioned from clay found on the site. Pullman shops produced component parts used throughout the building of the town. This project was one of the first applications of industrial technology and mass production in the construction of a large-scale housing development.
Copyright © The Sun-Times CompanyAll rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
City Council Meeting, September 27, 2005
We are in the process of entering an agreement with Cicero concerning gangs.
The Council approved the TIF request for Buona Beef. It was for only one of the three things it was originally asking for because Buona Beef already completed one of the projects.
All Berwyn employees are going through harrasment and discrimination training.
The classes for liquor/entertainment licenses have been modified.
Oak Park Avenue between Ogden and Pershing will allegedly be re-paved before winter. That is the idea.
I have been trying to get gas keys out of the hands of Alderpeople. Currently, only two have them, but I want to make it so no one even has the choice. I was going to be nice and defer the issue to the Committe of the Whole, because the Budget(I sit on) Committee had finished with the issue. The Budget Committee voted 2-1 to keep the gas keys. In any case, the matter was sent to the Administration Committee. I did not realize that when I put this on the floor to begin with, the matter was referred to both Budget and Admin. I will keep pushing for a resolution; good or bad.
A new stop sign is being put in place on Clarence, at the intersection of 27th Street.
Also, two yield signs are being taken down on 29th Street, and two stop signs were just put in on Home, at that intersection.
The Council also decided to lease two vans for five years from Pace for the Seniors. More to come on this. After five years, the City would pay one dollar to own them.
Finally, we are investigating the best and most efficient way to maintain our computers and hard drives.
There was certainly more communications and issues on the floor. I have tried to stick to 3rd Ward or City issues, as opposed to other Wards.
As always, if you would like to be Neighborhood Watch Captain, please notify me or go to the Police Station for an application.
3rd Ward Town Hall Meeting set for October 24, 2005, at 7 pm at the Presbyterian Church at 32nd and Clinton.
Monday, October 03, 2005
Railroad Quiet Zone
I met about 10 days ago with representatives from the Canadian National Railroad, Riverside, North Riverside and the West Suburban Municipal Conference.
Riverside and North Riverside had not spoken to a Berwyn representative in more than seven years. All parties were very happy that I reached out to them and that Berwyn will no longer be an island unto itself.
Bottom line, dialogue has begun and we will work to attempt to establish a quiet zone at Harlem and at Riverside Drive.
No guarantee. But, the process has begun.
Job Openings in School District 100
September 30, 2005
* Bilingual Teachers (Type 03 with Bilingual Endorsement or Bilingual
* Reading Teacher (Komensky School)
* Substitute Teachers
NOTE: To apply for any of these positions, please send a letter of
interest and resume as soon as possible to Judy Zito at LaVergne Education
* Teacher Assistants (Freedom - Komensky)
* Sweeper Custodian
* Substitute Custodians