Friday, October 21, 2005
City Council Meeting from October 11, 2005
Berwyn now has an agreeement with Cicero on combatting gangs. We will be working with the Town of Cicero and actively share information.
The US Post Office received some parking spots ont he Vacin Fairway.
Banners are still the topic for the light poles in Berwyn. Actually, nothing approved yet, but after a Committee of the Whole Meeting on October 18, 2005, we should get a consensus soon and do a little something to beautify the City by simply putting banners on the light poles.
Dave Miklos, a fellow 3rd Warder, is replacing me on the West Suburban Mass Transit Board. Being an Alderman, I was not allowed to sit on the Board. He will be good. The Board can award money to Cities(like Berwyn) for train projects or things, in our case, in the Depot District.
Taverns and amusement places will now be allowed to have 2 more video machines and one more pool table. I was against this. The machines, in my humble opinion, can and do, attract not the greatest element.
The City is purchasing two new ambulances that are desperately needed.
A variance for a business at 6727 Stanley, to allow manufacturing of wood products was denies. This would be a great place for a business, but instead is being used to simply be a warehouse. And, I might add, the Alderpeople(not me) had previously awarded a decent amount of TIF monies to re-do the facade. I suspect that will not occur now.
We are still trying to figure out how best to maintain and update the City's computer system, which is not the greatest.
The Alderpeople also voted to investigate the new Fleet Manager to see if it is a worthy position. Excuse me, if that is the case, let us look at all the 400 plus positions. I, again, was against this.
Bike racks will be coming to the Depot District-something I began back in June, I believe. A nice design has been picked out by Patrick from the BDC and should be paid for with grant money.
Do not forget the 3rd Ward Town Hall Meeting at 32nd/Clinton, the Presbyterian Church, on Monday, October 24, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. Refreshments will be served.