Berwyn's Arts Blog
Friday, October 28, 2005
City Council Meeting, October 25, 2005
Bids were open for a new cleaning service for various City buildings. The range was from$52,000.00 to $300,000.00 plus. How can bids be so different?
City Hall will be closed on December 26, 2005. This was changed from December 23, 2005, which is not a Federal holiday.
The infamous diagonal parking at 6701 W. 21st St. was approved. The 4-4 vote was broken by the Mayor. I again voted for this as we need condo conversions. Additionally, the developer will be replacing the three trees with seven.
We have a computer service maintenance agreement in effect now. This was approved. What the City needs to do is get a comprehensive long-range plan for servers and computers.
The resurfacing should begin ASAP on Oak Park from Ogden to Pershing. Avoid this area.
The City has approved re-financing of certain debt. The final vote, with final interest rate percentages will be approved at the next meeting November 8, 2005.
The 3rd Ward Project for Stanley/Grove/32nd and Oak Park should be finalized at the November 8, 2005 meeting. It better. The attorneys need to get their butts in gear. Having said that, the City has helped its position in the last couple of months to better protect itself.
Bike racks should be going in the Depot District in the spring paid for with grant monies.

The shortest meeting yet, simply because there were the smallest number of items.

If you want to be a Neighborhood Watch Captain, contact me or the Police Department. MarkWeiner1@Hotmail.Com.

I am also on the ad hoc Committee to hire the new Police Chief. We are down to six, from more than 50.

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