Berwyn's Arts Blog
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Check out Horrorbles tonight and the opening of the Galerie Des Terrors, which is the store's new small movie theater.
6729 W. Roosevelt.
If you have never been to Horrorbles, you have no idea what you are missing. Everything horror and sci fi, from movies to memorabilia, etc.
Classes on gore and latex application, to zombie making and horror screenwriting.
Book signings and on occasion, Svengoolie.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Tonight is the Night/Tuesday
If you have never been to Cigars and Stripes, tonight is your night, Tuesday night. Come, support the arts and yourself. Berwyn is full of fine artists, so come on down.
Fine art is defined as: expressed in the production of art objects using visual and performing art forms, including painting, sculpture, music, dance, theatre, architecture, photography and printmaking.
All the guitarists, bassists, drummers, pianists, actors/actresses, poets, graphic designers, photographers, dancers, singers, architects, sculptures, painters, comic book makers, documentarians, maker of guitars, maker of children's' clothes, etc.: come on down!
Tonight is the night to enjoy, drink Berwyn's most unique beers in Berwyn's most unique setting. If no one shows, then all the energy put into pushing Berwyn's fine artists is all in vain. You are all here, be it your primary job or secondary or hobby.
Watch a performance of Cask of Amontillado. View The Raven and Bride of Frankenstein. Be haunted by the ghost that is said to inhabit Cigars and Stripes.
7 pm or thereafter. One block east of Oak Park, north side, on Ogden.
Whether you are a fine artist or not, join us!
Monday, October 26, 2009
The Adult Kick-Off of POEfest is tonight at James Joyce at 7:30 - enjoy Poe Readings, Poe-inspired music, Chicago Ghost stories, and some good old Irish Hospitality at this great local tavern. Monday, October 26, 2009. James Joyce is a great gathering place located next to the Harlem Avenue Metra Stop, on Windsor.
Tuesday, the 27th night's event is the kick-off of Tortured Tuesdays for artists (and artist-friendly folks); there will be a live reading of Cask of Amontillado as well as showings of THE RAVEN and BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN. 7 pm to whenever. Tortured Tuesdays will be a once or so month event for artists, entertainers, poets, actors, musicians, etc. to commiserate and network. Let's put all Berwyn's fine artists on the map!
If you have never been to Cigars and Stripes, located on Ogden, one block east of Oak Park on the north side, be sure to check it out. The place is haunted.
If you have anything to do with the arts, be it a photographer, actor, poet, musician, sculpture----anything, do show Tuesday. Guarantee great time!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
POEfest Coming - Go!
The first event is an Open Mic BYOB event at Tamale Hut, located at 1st Avenue and Cermak, and owned by Berwynites - come in costume and read some POE...or just sit back and enjoy the show! 7 pm to 9:30 pm. Saturday, October 24, 2009
THE ATOMIC GUMDROPS perform Sunday, October 25, 2009, at noon at the 16th Street Theater - costumes for kids encouraged with a costume parade at the end of the concert.
The Adult Kick-Off event is at James Joyce at 7:30 - enjoy Poe Readings, Poe-inspired music, Chicago Ghost stories, and some good old Irish Hospitality at this great local tavern. Monday, October 26, 2009
Tuesday, the 27th night's event is the kick-off of Tortured Tuesdays for artists (and artist-friendly folks); there will be a live reading of Cask of Amontillado as well as showings of THE RAVEN and BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN. 7 pm to whenever. Tortured Tuesdays will be a once or so month event for artists, entertainers, poets, actors, musicians, etc. to commiserate and network. Let's put all Berwyn's fine artists on the map!
Wednesday night the 28th, movies at the 16th Street Theater are MASK OF THE RED DEATH @ 5PM and THE PIT AND THE PENDULUM @ 7:30 PM.
Take a break on Thursday night, the 29th, and head to the library to enjoy a procession for Day of the Dead (el dia de los muertas) at 5 PM followed by documentaries following the procession and again at 7:30.
The week-long celebration culminates with a GALA event at the Berwyn Cultural Center at 6 PM on Friday, the 30th, with performances by local elementary and middle school groups. Performances for the older 'kids' begin down in the theater at 7:30 PM.
For more links and information, visit
Friday, October 16, 2009
Sunday, at the 16th Street Theater
A documentary film screening involving a Berwynite who
produced the documentary, which will be on WTTW, channel 11.
Come meet the producer and enjoy a great movie.
Sunday, Oct 18 1:00 PM
Call (708) 795-6704 x105 for reservations. FREE!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Calling All Artists
Bridgeview Bank is hosting an event called Artists Among Us which will be held on the evening of Thursday, November 12th at their branch on 79th St. and Harlem, in Bridgeview. The event is designed to give exposure to local artists from Bridgeview and the surrounding communities, including Berwyn, by allowing them to display several pieces of their artwork (painting, sculptures, etc.) at the branch during the entire week leading up to the event and of course at the actual event itself.
The City Treasurer, who works at the bank, was asked if he knew any local artists in the Berwyn area that would be interested in participating. The bank would love to have one or two artists from Berwyn. Of course, there would be no cost to the artists to display their work and the event is open and free for everyone. The artists are also allowed to sell their art if they want to do so.
The bank will take care of sending out invitations, and if the artists want to invite people they can send a list of names/addresses and will be included in the invitation list. The bank will invite many of its customers so there should be a good crowd the night of the event. The Treasurer believes that the bank will have wine/refreshments at the event as well.
Please contact Joe Kroc, the Berwyn City Treasurer, if you or any other artist you know may be interested in the event? If so, Joe will put you in touch with the event organizer who can give more details.
Joe Kroc, Cell: 708-288-7796
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
The Arts, and not The Arts
First, though everyone would want to know that the Historic Chicago Bungalow and Green Home Expo 2009 is taking place this Saturday, October, 17, 2009, from 10 am to 4 pm.
It is taking place at the Merchandise Mart, located at the Chicago River and Wells Street, in Chicago for those that are geographically challenged. Free admission, raffle prizes, 20 workshops, more than 100 exhibitors, artisans, lenders and tradespeople. Grants and loans for energy improvements.
I have gone in the past and even though I do not own a bungalow, it was a good time.
The 16th Street Theater is gearing up for our third season(I am President of the Board), to begin in January, 2010, just around the corner. Join the one hundred club now to get in on the season for an incredible value. You can order online, via credit card, and slowly pay off your bill so it will not even affect you.
Go to for all the details. The season looks to be very fun, thought-provoking and cool.
Engaging. Intimate. Professional theater. Join us for Season Three 2010.
A place. A city. A house. A beginning. Is home something we take with us when we leave it? Does it move with us, or is it something we leave behind? What are the boundaries of home? Is our home big enough for others? How does the meaning of home change as we age? Can we ever go back?
These are some of the questions six, great Chicago writers will be posing throughout 2010 as we ask you to explore with us: What is Home?
Joel Drake Johnson's The End of the Tour, Our Lady of the Underpass by Tanya Saracho, a remount of Rohina's Unveiled at Victory Gardens (told you it would be back!), a 2-week limited engagement of Tony Fitzpatrick with musical guests, Michael Fosberg's Incognito, and the world premiere of Rob Koon's Menorca. Join the 100 Club to take it all in, or become a 3-play subscriber. I look forward to seeing you at 16the Street at the Berwyn Cultural Center, a part of the North Berwyn Park District.
And, if the above is not enough, POEfest is coming at you from Saturday, October 24th through Friday, October 30, 2009. There will be something different each night. The events are sponsored by the Berwyn Arts Council. Some great stuff will be happening from the first Tortured Tuesday to a kids' costume parade.
Join in the fun as Berwyn celebrates Edgar Allen Poe's 200th birthday with storytelling, poetry reading, movies, music, art and beer. Yep. Check out the events at
Gotta love it!
Friday, October 02, 2009
Saturday Night
Subject: Art exhibit.
Hi Friends and Neighbors,
Mike Helbing, Berwyn's own, is part of an art exhibit that opens this coming Saturday night, October 3, 2009, tomorrow, at Homescape in Berwyn.
It was set up by the Oak Park Arts Council, although Mike is a Board Member of the Berwyn Arts Council.
The exhibit is in a Berwyn space that would like to be utilized more. Come on up and mingle. The hours on Saturday are 7-9 PM.
Some refreshments and munchies, plus great art of course. It is not far from Fitzgeralds and maybe people will go there afterward.
Homescape, 6823 Roosevelt Road Berwyn is the address of the exhibition with Artrageous