Wednesday, October 21, 2009
POEfest Coming - Go!
The first event is an Open Mic BYOB event at Tamale Hut, located at 1st Avenue and Cermak, and owned by Berwynites - come in costume and read some POE...or just sit back and enjoy the show! 7 pm to 9:30 pm. Saturday, October 24, 2009
THE ATOMIC GUMDROPS perform Sunday, October 25, 2009, at noon at the 16th Street Theater - costumes for kids encouraged with a costume parade at the end of the concert.
The Adult Kick-Off event is at James Joyce at 7:30 - enjoy Poe Readings, Poe-inspired music, Chicago Ghost stories, and some good old Irish Hospitality at this great local tavern. Monday, October 26, 2009
Tuesday, the 27th night's event is the kick-off of Tortured Tuesdays for artists (and artist-friendly folks); there will be a live reading of Cask of Amontillado as well as showings of THE RAVEN and BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN. 7 pm to whenever. Tortured Tuesdays will be a once or so month event for artists, entertainers, poets, actors, musicians, etc. to commiserate and network. Let's put all Berwyn's fine artists on the map!
Wednesday night the 28th, movies at the 16th Street Theater are MASK OF THE RED DEATH @ 5PM and THE PIT AND THE PENDULUM @ 7:30 PM.
Take a break on Thursday night, the 29th, and head to the library to enjoy a procession for Day of the Dead (el dia de los muertas) at 5 PM followed by documentaries following the procession and again at 7:30.
The week-long celebration culminates with a GALA event at the Berwyn Cultural Center at 6 PM on Friday, the 30th, with performances by local elementary and middle school groups. Performances for the older 'kids' begin down in the theater at 7:30 PM.
For more links and information, visit