Monday, October 26, 2009
The Adult Kick-Off of POEfest is tonight at James Joyce at 7:30 - enjoy Poe Readings, Poe-inspired music, Chicago Ghost stories, and some good old Irish Hospitality at this great local tavern. Monday, October 26, 2009. James Joyce is a great gathering place located next to the Harlem Avenue Metra Stop, on Windsor.
Tuesday, the 27th night's event is the kick-off of Tortured Tuesdays for artists (and artist-friendly folks); there will be a live reading of Cask of Amontillado as well as showings of THE RAVEN and BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN. 7 pm to whenever. Tortured Tuesdays will be a once or so month event for artists, entertainers, poets, actors, musicians, etc. to commiserate and network. Let's put all Berwyn's fine artists on the map!
If you have never been to Cigars and Stripes, located on Ogden, one block east of Oak Park on the north side, be sure to check it out. The place is haunted.
If you have anything to do with the arts, be it a photographer, actor, poet, musician, sculpture----anything, do show Tuesday. Guarantee great time!