Berwyn's Arts Blog
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Saturday Grand Opening
One of our newest Cermak Road businesses Underground Revolution at 6512 W. Cermak is having a grand opening on Sat. August 2 from 1pm – 4pm. Please consider taking time to drop by even if only briefly to introduce yourself and to congratulate Mike & Mark Serpico, life long residents of Berwyn and now Berwyn business owners.
The guys informed me that there will be lots of give-always and an appearance by Scion, the Toyota Car Club with trick cars. Frankie Hollywood Rodriguez the DJ will be on hand to liven up the day and there will be a raffle for Chicago White Sox tickets with $50 purchase.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
National Night Out Rally Tonight, 7-30-08
There will be a take back the night rally & BBQ tonight, July 30, 2008, at St. Leonard's, 34th and Clarence from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. Hot dogs and refreshments will be served.
National Night Out is being held on Tuesday, August 5, 2008 from 5 to 9 pm with fireworks and movie at 9 pm. Location is Morton West High School.
As a side note, remember that on National Night Out, if you are not at the high school, please put on your front light at 9 pm. Sit out if you can.
And remember, always be vigilant. Never be afraid of calling the police if you see something out of place. The police rely on you. Crime does exist in Berwyn. Do what you can to help lower the crime rate.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Movies in the Park
Movies in the Park
Thursday, July 24 &
Wednesday, August 13
Come out for the free shows! Surf's Up will show in July and The Ant Bully will show in August.
Kriz Park
15th & Maple
Berwyn, IL 60402
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Houby Fest Volunteers Needed
A friend of mine wrote this:
I am not much about soliciting but this is really important to me.
I am active with Berwyn Main Street. In a nutshell, It's all about preserving historic architecture on Cermak AND REVIVING the street with great businesses relevant to all of us.
I also care a lot about Houby Fest in Berwyn. So I thought I'd reach out and see if anyone is interested and willing to get involved or knows of SOMEONE who would be interested.
Below are the details. Please send/forward it to ANYONE that could be interested
Thanks in advance for all the sincere responses.
Berwyn Main Street will bring back a piece of Berwyn’s cultural heritage to the Houby Festival by transforming a portion of Cermak Road into a Czech Oasis, with vendors serving Czech specialties, featuring live entertainment, artists and offering family activities.
The Promotions Committee of Berwyn Main Street needs an interested and dedicated core of volunteers to plan this event and many more to work the days of the event to make this happen! Houby is planned for October 4 and 5. The first meeting was held on July 16, 7pm at the Main Street Office at 7045 W. Cermak, in the Cermak Plaza.
We need a commitment of 8-10 people to serve as the core event team to make this happen by coming up with ideas for activities, vendors, sponsors, music, bands and all the other things that will make this Czech Oasis a popular addition to the Houby Festival for everyone.
Please contact our office ASAP if you are willing and able to help out! (708) 484-8000 or
You are also very welcome to email me directly at
Houby Day began almost 40 years ago as a Cermak Road Business Association event to bring people to the then-thriving businesses along Cermak Road in Berwyn and Cicero.
To create a theme for the Fall event, the founders chose the Czech tradition of Houby, i.e. mushroom, hunting. Given the Czech-American presence in Berwyn at that time, the choice was logical -- but inspired. The Cicero Chamber of Commerce has been the sole organizer of this event for nearly the past ten years and is welcoming this Berwyn Main Street organized activity as part of its Houby Festival Event.
Take Back the Night Rallies & BBQs/Clinic
The substance abuse clinic was unanimously denied a license to operate on the 3300 block of Grove Avenue at last night's city council meeting.
There will be a take back the night rally & BBQ tonight, July 23, 2008, at St. Mary of Celle, 14th & Euclid from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. Hot dogs and refreshments will be served.
There will also be a take back the night rally 7 BBQ on July 30, 2008, at St. Leonard's, 34th and Clarence from 6:30 to 8:30 pm.
National Night Out is being held on Tuesday, August 5, 2008 from 5 to 9 pm with fireworks and movie at 9 pm. Location is Morton West High School.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Tuesday City Council Meeting, 7-22-08
Don't forget!
One of the items on the 7-22-08 City Council agenda is a request by the Berwyn Park District to the city council to override the denial of a permit to T-Mobile and Concordia Wireless to build a cell phone flag pole(120 feet tall per the Director's communication) in Proksa Park. It will bring the District $25,000.00 a year.
The City has previously denied a permit. The Berwyn Park District is bypassing the Zoning Board of Appeals and going directly to City Council to override the denial of the permit.
The cell phone flag pole would be in the northeast corner of the park. Additionally, there would be a little house for the equipment.
The Substance Abuse Clinic will also be on the agenda.
See you there. Or not.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Cell Phone Flag Pole, 7-22-08 City Council Meeting
One of the items on the 7-22-08 City Council agenda is a request by the Berwyn Park District to the city council to override the denial of a permit to T-Mobile and Concordia Wireless to build a cell phone flag pole(120 feet tall per the Director's communication) in Proksa Park. It will bring the District $25,000.00 a year.
The City has previously denied a permit. The Berwyn Park District is bypassing the Zoning Board of Appeals and going directly to City Council to override the denial of the permit.
The cell phone flag pole would be in the northeast corner of the park. Additionally, there would be a little house for the equipment.
Many of you will be in attendance for the Substance Abuse Clinic. Think about the above, too.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
About Last Night
As many of you know, since many of you were present at the 6:00 pm, Wednesday, July 16, 2008 Town Hall Meeting in the Grove Avenue parking lot, there was quite a crowd.
Estimates range from 250 to 400 people. 99% were well-behaved and 99% were against the substance abuse clinic.
As most of you already know, I have voted against the clinic two times.
It appears, the third time will be the charm.
This is what should happen based on last night:
at least one Alderperson, if not more, will change their vote at the beginning of the meeting when minutes are approved. All that is needed is one vote. The Mayor can break any tie, if there is one.
Having said the above, please do come to the City Council Meeting on Tuesday, July 22, 2008, at 8:00 pm at City Hall, 6700 W. 26th Street.
Also, feel free to stay for the entire meeting. Or not.
Finally, kudos need to go to many, many people.I will not name them, since they are private citizens and I am bound to miss one anyway.
In less than a week, everyone mobilized. I was quite pleased to see all the concerned residents in attendance. I have been tested and tried these past three years and have to say, I was uplifted after last night.
It is nice to be re-assured that people care for their City.
Welcome to all the new people that are receiving this email from my blog. If you would like your email to be taken off the list, please notify me by responding to this message.
It is my job as an Alderperson to notify the residents and communicate with the residents about all meetings and other items deemed important or worthy. That is why I have this blog.
Thank you to all!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Cruise Night, Tuesday, July 15, 2008
July 15, 2008
BDC Depot District Special Events Committee presents: "Cruise Nights"
From 6pm to 9pm in the Depot District: Windsor and Grove Avenue
Enjoy. I will be at City Hall. Or not.
To Name Names, or Not To Name Names
The votes are in. Ironically, when I began this blog, I named names.
Votes to name names:
Mark please consider naming names, I am so tired of reading about our alderpeople who cant get along, I need to know who is really doing what.
While I agree with some comments and disagree with others, I think it's VERY VALUABLE to your constituency that you are so active with keeping us posted. Variances in opinions here and there are not so important as the fact that your blog let's your constituency know you are active and paying attention.
Um, Mark, who do ya think you're talking to? Name names, and do it in the classy professional way you do everything else. Just as with raising (or teaching) children, you give them plenty of warnings and plenty of chances to get it right before you lower the boom. I could probably guess at some of the names anyway, and my tally shouldn't count for much because you already know I'm firmly in your corner in our 3rd Ward Shire. We hobbits stick together and only go out and slay the dragons when we've run out of reasonable alternatives. Given that informational nugget, does my vote count twice?
I vote for "kiss and tell"....
Mark: I must be a little behind on the information. Why are city workers being let go? Name names if you have to. then we know who to vote for and who not to. Hang in there.
please, name them!
Name names. As we we get closer it will be imperative in order for people to speak up. Initials keep things safer too.
Mark, you have strong instincts, listen to yourself. Don't give in to the egos that want to be stroked. You've done a terrific job so far. Mark, naming names is fine with me. I know I don't have to say this but with email you never what is getting forwarded where so be careful.
To obtain a complete picture of what transpires in the city, I depend on your blog and those of others for information no longer available through the three and perhaps even four newspapers that "cover" the city. Electioneering started quite some months ago, and whether you choose to run again or not I think you owe it to yourself to defend against personal attacks.
Oh, c'mon, Mark Stop teasing us... Name the names already! (like we don't know)
Sure why not - nothing should be so scary that it can't be talked about, and public record is public, one should always consider that. Happy Fourth and Thanx as always.
Mark; I enjoy and appreciate the brief Blogs you send out. Put me down as wanting to see specific names attached to your coments. I feel there are too many unfinished business affairs hanging fire, for whatever reasons I do not believe that it is wrong to state names, as long as there is no name calling or decent into ad hominem attacks. Anyone that engages in those attacks should be taken down immediately.
Yes, I would like you to be more specific by naming names. There is enough secrecy all the time. I think you have the b____ to stand up to these people. I certainly hope so anyway. I am so sorry that I am not physically able to be more active with the town events, but quite frankly I am turned off by all the going ons. I worked with unions all my working life and back them quite heavily, but if the money is not there to pay these people, what other choice is there? I hate to see anyone lose their job, but these people need to be realistic. In this day and age there is so much downsizing, why would these people protest as long as it was a fair layoff (seniority wise). I could go on and on but let me end with saying-- It seems that the wanna be Mayor is really an a__.
Please point out the rotten apples, as the sales pitch was at Wrigley Field when I was a kid
" You can't tell the players without a scorecard"
Regarding your request for feedback about 'naming names'. One imagines a helpful 'recap' would follow like minutes IE 'Alderperson Smith vehemently objected'. Frankly, I have no idea who you are talking about unless names are included - and it makes it harder to take any of it seriously.
Keeping things professional and naming names can arguably happen together. IE 'When I suggested to Alderperson Smith that he was grandstanding in the hopes of some future political objective, he responded by calling me a name that I would not care to print.' This would be preferable to me to 'Mayor-wannabe threatened to slash my tires' - or anything that one might characterize as (as you put it) 'bitch and moan'.
This is one voter's opinion (from outside your district) - and I do find the blog helpful as a significant source for information re: what happens in the City govt.
I'm in favor of naming names!
Not to Name Names
I know it's tempting to name names, but stick to taking the higher
Mark, Take it from someone who has been involved in politics a little---don't name names !
Unless you think it is necessary for reelection purposes I think it is best to take the upper road and not name names. In a town that embarasses me every time I read an article about us in the Tribune someone has to be the one who starts us on the track to respectability and is above all of this patronage and corruption people in Chicago are generally numb to.
As we Scots sing, "you take the high road...", and let them have the low road. Hang in there, Mark!!!
You've all ways been a class act. Not an easy feat considering the 'company' you've had to keep while in office. Please don't let a handfull of sanctimonious bozos (of the inebriated variety, especially...) entice you to be anything but the class act you've always been.What they are doing/saying really says more about their character and moral fiber (or lack thereof...) than yours. Can you try just pressing on as usual by just staying on that high road you prefer? That alone should given them enough rope to eventually hang themselves and be way less stress on you.
Don't let them compromise your moral, ethical, or professional standards. You are admired by those that matter because you don't stoop to that level. I think you should ditch alderman and run for mayor.
Keep up the good work Mark!
Last, but certainly not least:
Once again, if you are not going to put your name on the ballot, then don't name names. If you want to get out there on the front lines, then be my guess. I truly believe you have those rose colored glasses on. I am in there everyday and I see all of OC's bullshit on a regular basis. Don't sit on the sidelines or on the outside looking in, believing in all the purple bullshit and then think for one second that you have the pulse on anything. You want to stick your nose in this election, go ahead, but don't be upset when I name names!
PS you have no clue how or what happened prior to you moving to Berwyn. You have little clue on this adminstration has dragged us down into the pits and if you don't plan on running to carry this town into the future, then butt out!!!!!!!!!!!
You be the Judge.
Keep up the good work Mark!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Substance Abuse Clinic Town Hall Meeting, 7-16-08
The city council (I voted against) has approved the addition of a Substance Abuse Clinic clinic to move into the Odeh Medical building across from Salerno's restaurant on Grove Ave in the Depot Business District.
Tha Mayor has called for an open Air Town meeting to present the facts to the community and encourage residents to voice their opinion against allowing this clinic to open at this location.
The Mayor will be inviting all of the Alderpeople, the owner of the building, as well as, the owner of the clinic to present their side of the story.
The meeting will be held in the municipal parking lot on Grove Ave. in the 3300 block at 6 pm on Wednesday July 16th.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Brewyn Centennial Cakes
Here is a spot where you can view the Centennial cakes:
Friday, July 04, 2008
City Council Recap, June 24, 2008
Much of the meeting involved the proposed lay-offs of 15 City workers. As of today, 5 Public Works employees have been laid off. Consequently, the meeting was very acrimonious. Became very personal; very heated. Time will tell what happens.
I do know that I was attacked by a Mayor-wannabe. He complains that the current Mayor is not professional, then he attacks me at the meeting, and via email later in the week. You can't have it both ways. I have not been naming names, but I am very close to becoming personal and stooping to a lower level. I apologize when I get personal and lose my temper(very rarely). Would be nice to have the same courtesy.
Because, too, I was emailed by another Alderperson complaining about my blog. I know you read it. My visitors to this blog have gone up incredibly over the past six weeks; ever since people started getting serious about the next election.
There you have it. I do give my best, but it is difficult and I know you do not want to hear me bitch and moan. If you would like me to start naming names, simply email me and I shall take a tally and decide.
The July 8, 2008 meeting should be loads of fun. Or not.