Friday, July 04, 2008
City Council Recap, June 24, 2008
Much of the meeting involved the proposed lay-offs of 15 City workers. As of today, 5 Public Works employees have been laid off. Consequently, the meeting was very acrimonious. Became very personal; very heated. Time will tell what happens.
I do know that I was attacked by a Mayor-wannabe. He complains that the current Mayor is not professional, then he attacks me at the meeting, and via email later in the week. You can't have it both ways. I have not been naming names, but I am very close to becoming personal and stooping to a lower level. I apologize when I get personal and lose my temper(very rarely). Would be nice to have the same courtesy.
Because, too, I was emailed by another Alderperson complaining about my blog. I know you read it. My visitors to this blog have gone up incredibly over the past six weeks; ever since people started getting serious about the next election.
There you have it. I do give my best, but it is difficult and I know you do not want to hear me bitch and moan. If you would like me to start naming names, simply email me and I shall take a tally and decide.
The July 8, 2008 meeting should be loads of fun. Or not.
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Mark, you have strong instincts, listen to yourself. Don't give in to the egos that want to be stroked. You've done a terrific job so far. Please consider throwing your hat back into the cauldron.
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