Thursday, July 17, 2008
About Last Night
As many of you know, since many of you were present at the 6:00 pm, Wednesday, July 16, 2008 Town Hall Meeting in the Grove Avenue parking lot, there was quite a crowd.
Estimates range from 250 to 400 people. 99% were well-behaved and 99% were against the substance abuse clinic.
As most of you already know, I have voted against the clinic two times.
It appears, the third time will be the charm.
This is what should happen based on last night:
at least one Alderperson, if not more, will change their vote at the beginning of the meeting when minutes are approved. All that is needed is one vote. The Mayor can break any tie, if there is one.
Having said the above, please do come to the City Council Meeting on Tuesday, July 22, 2008, at 8:00 pm at City Hall, 6700 W. 26th Street.
Also, feel free to stay for the entire meeting. Or not.
Finally, kudos need to go to many, many people.I will not name them, since they are private citizens and I am bound to miss one anyway.
In less than a week, everyone mobilized. I was quite pleased to see all the concerned residents in attendance. I have been tested and tried these past three years and have to say, I was uplifted after last night.
It is nice to be re-assured that people care for their City.
Welcome to all the new people that are receiving this email from my blog. If you would like your email to be taken off the list, please notify me by responding to this message.
It is my job as an Alderperson to notify the residents and communicate with the residents about all meetings and other items deemed important or worthy. That is why I have this blog.
Thank you to all!