Berwyn's Arts Blog
Friday, August 31, 2007
Tonight, Friday, August 31, 2007
Save the Spindle fundraiser.
Save the Spindle fundraiser (a $10 suggested donation gets you a t-shirt, plus music by hip-hop group, STEREOTYPES...emceed by WIND-AM's >Cisco Cotto and special guests including some of the guys who helped build the Spindle.
Should be a hoot. 7pm-10 at Tiger O'Stylies on Ogden this Friday night (August 31st). For those geographically challenged, search for Tiger's and its location.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Berwyn Finer Foods
Berwyn Finer Foods not closing; owner says dollar store deal dead
By Cari Brokamp,
Berwyn Life
Fri Aug 24, 2007, 02:40 PM CDT
Berwyn, IL -
The entrance of another dollar store to a crucial business district in the city is off, as Berwyn Finer Foods will remain open for business.
According to John Mitchell, owner of Berwyn Finer Foods, his locally run grocery store will remain open for business indefinitely. He said any deal with Family Dollar, which was set to be discussed by the zoning board next month, is now off.
“We cater to the whole community in Berwyn,” Mitchell said. “We have many different ethnic food items. We don’t just cater to (one group).”
Mitchell said he was in discussions with a developer who wanted to put a Family Dollar into the store, at 6323 Cermak Road, if they received a zoning variance for the property. The variance was set to be discussed at a meeting last week, but was deferred to a meeting next month, at the request of the discount store.
Now, Mitchell said he will not be selling the property, which has been home to Berwyn Finer Foods for more than a decade. He said he plans to keep his doors open, and hopes to continue offering the community a better selection than other local grocery stores.
“Everyone says our meat department is the best in the area,” Mitchell said. “It’s fresh, and we get new meat loads every day. It’s just good quality.”
Officials from the Berwyn Main Street program, a group working on revitalizing Cermak Road, were against the Family Dollar store coming to the community. They said they thought the opening of another dollar store in the area was contrary to the mission of the economic redevelopment program.
Main Street program officials said they would prefer to have a variety of unique retailers, such as Berwyn Finer Foods, in the business district, rather than low-end discount chain stores.
“As Main Street, we would definitely like to see a grocery store staying open on Cermak Road,” said Sean Gallagher, interim executive director of the program. “If (John Mitchell’s store) is staying open, we’d like to try to work with him in any way we could to promote his business and ... make him more of a destination grocery store.”
Sunday, August 26, 2007
City Council Recap, August 14 ,2007
There is now an agreement in place between the City and the Berwyn Main Street program.
So far, no concensus or plan for Berwyn's 100th birthday party next year.
Public Works was given permission to hire two new employees: a street superintendant and a water superintendant.
Maureen Brocato's worker compensation case is on its way to settlement. The City Council paved the way for the case to be settled. However, she was not appointed to be the next 5th Ward Alderperson.
Accessory buildings, i.e., sheds, gazebos, etc., now have an updated ordinance. Someone basically built a house, meant to be a shed, in their backyard and this amendment to the ordinance was passed in response.
The city has approved an eminent domain law firm, if needed.
The Finance Director keeps doing little things to profesionally improve how her department is run.
That is all for now.
Next meeting is Tuesday, August 28, 2007, 8 pm; Committee of the Whole at 6 pm.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Berwyn After Hours
Today, Thursday, August 23, 2007, there is a Berwyn After Hours at Sevilla's Tapas, 6543 Cermak, from 5 to 7 pm, sponsored by the Berwyn Development Corporation.
Feel free to come and enjoy the atmosphere and find out what the BDC does.
Should be fun.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Update on Dollar Store and Storefront Church
The Zoning meeting was held last night, Tuesday, August 21, 2007.
The Family Dollar Store has been postponed until the next meeting, which should be the third Thursday of September, the 18th.
As for the church, which attempted to get a conditional use authorization to locate to 6950 Windsor, the Board decided 6 to nothing to not grant the authorization. One person, an ordained minister on the Board, did not vote.
What this means is that the City Council, at the first September meeting, the 11th, will vote on the Zoning Board's recommendation. Generally, the Council abides by the recommendation.
The Council chambers at City Hall were about 75% full; a very nice crowd. I hope at the next Zoning meeting that the place is 100% full.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Friendly Reminder, and..Another Berwyn After Hours
First, there is a very important Zoning Board of Appeals meeting tonight, Tuesday, August 21, 2007, 7:00 pm, at City Hall.
Family Dollar is attempting to buy the Berwyn Finer Foods on Cermak, which is against the Retail Overlay District ordinance. Hence, the hearing. Come, show your concern.
Additionally, a storefront church is attempting to move into the Depot District at Home and Windsor, next to the daycare center.
Again, please come to the meeting to show your concern. I want Berwyn to move forward; not stay the same or move backward.
Finally, there will be a Berwyn After Hours sponsored by the Berwyn Development Corporation, at Sevillas Tapas Restaurant, at Cermak and East on Thursday, August 23, 2007, from 5 to 7 pm.
Or not.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Grand Opening Event, Tonight, Friday the 17th
Mariscos Acapulco invites you to their grand opening event. Enjoy networking and
socializing with BDC members, Berwyn business owners and residents.
Appetizers will be provided.
Come join and remember to bring a friend!
Friday, August 17, 2007
4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Mariscos Acapulco
6326 W. Cermak Rd.
Berwyn, IL 60402
Thursday, August 16, 2007
WGN Radio, Friday, August 17, 2007
Stop 25 in the Hometown Voices series, WGN Radio
FitzGerald's, 6615 Roosevelt Road
Friday, August 17th with Spike O'Dell
Scheduled segments:
Ides of March: The guys in the band are all from the Berwyn area.
Walt Willey: The actor who portrays 'Jackson Montgomery' on All My Children will join us at FitzGerald's. Stop by and meet him!
We'll learn more about "The World's Largest Laundromat," located in Berwyn.
Spike will give out a pair of Cubs/Cardinals tickets to a lucky audience member
Check it out. I have no particulars about being their live. You can always listen on the radio.
Zoning Board of Appeals, August 21, 2007
There is a Zoning Board of Appeals meeting on Tuesday, August 21, 2007 at City Hall.
At least two very interesting items will be discussed.
First, the owner of the property at Windsor and Home, which currently has a lawyer/accountant office and a daycare center, wants to put a church in the vacant spot where the costume shop resided. This is not a good thing. A restaurant would be ideal.
Second, where Berwyn Finer Foods currently resides, on Cermak, a national Dollar store wants to go in. Again, in my humble opinion, not a good thing.
Support a better Berwyn. Let the Board know your thoughts.
I will try and remind everyone one more time.
So, be there; or not.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Automated Tickets Coming Soon
The City of Berwyn has been issued permits by IDOT for two intersections: Cermak/Ridgeland and 26th/East Ave. This means that the company in charge of the red light ticket system should be constructing soon and that anyone who goes through a red light at these intersections will be mailed a ticket.
We still are waiting for permits for two more intersections.
You have been warned; or not.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Special City Council Meeting, July 31, 2007
The debt was re-structured. We can now move forward on the new firehouse on 16th Street and the Depot Garage.
We also hired four policemen: two to replace two who resigned and two new officers.
Monday, August 06, 2007
National Night Out, Tuesday, August 7, 2007
National Night Out is scheduled for Tuesday, August 7, 2007. This is a national event whose idea is to promote safety and peace with fellow neighbors.
There will be events at Morton West High School, from 5 to 9 pm. The Beatles' band, American English, will be playing at 8 pm.
I will be at the CARES booth.
If you stay home, all that is asked of you is to turn on your light out front.