Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Friendly Reminder, and..Another Berwyn After Hours
First, there is a very important Zoning Board of Appeals meeting tonight, Tuesday, August 21, 2007, 7:00 pm, at City Hall.
Family Dollar is attempting to buy the Berwyn Finer Foods on Cermak, which is against the Retail Overlay District ordinance. Hence, the hearing. Come, show your concern.
Additionally, a storefront church is attempting to move into the Depot District at Home and Windsor, next to the daycare center.
Again, please come to the meeting to show your concern. I want Berwyn to move forward; not stay the same or move backward.
Finally, there will be a Berwyn After Hours sponsored by the Berwyn Development Corporation, at Sevillas Tapas Restaurant, at Cermak and East on Thursday, August 23, 2007, from 5 to 7 pm.
Or not.