Berwyn's Arts Blog
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Berwyn House Tour is Sunday, June 3, 2007
Check out cool houses on the north side of town.
$25.00 tickets at the VFW on Sunday. Before then, buy tickets for only $20.00 at Serendipity Antiques, located on the 6700 block of Stanley.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
CARES(Citizens Aligned To Renew Education for Students)
The next BerwynCARES meeting is Tuesday May 29th at 7:30 pm at the Berwyn Public Library. This will be the last meeting of the 2006-07 school year.
There are two exciting presentations on the agenda:
1. We will be awarding $1,000 scholarships to 3 Morton West seniors headed to college. Please come out and congratulate these exceptional young people.
2. There will be a presentation about standardized test scores of Berwyn schools. Ever wonder how your local school compares to others? Come and find out and participate in a discussion about these important tests.
Please come and bring a neighbor!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Seeking a few more volunteers
As many of you know, the 3rd Ward Picnic will be June 23, 2007 in Proksa Park.
I still need a few volunteers for the picnic itself and to pass out flyers to the residents in the 3rd Ward before the day of the picnic.
Thank you. Simply respond to this posting/email.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
City Council Meeting, May 8, 2007
The Mayor's mayoral appointments, which need to be appointed at the first May meeting of every year, were once again not approved. This means, everyone from the police and fire chief, to the recreation director, were once again, not approved by the Alderpeople. So, once again, they will all be temporarily appointed.
Once again, there is still a vacancy in the 5th Ward. It appears this will last until the next election.
There will be formed an ad hoc committee to make an American with Disabilities Act transition plan so that all public facilities will be more accessable.
Non-union employees are now in line to get pay raises up to 4%, in line with those in unions.
Berwyn's fence ordinance has been amended so 6 foot fences are now legal, as long as the top one foot is an open lattice type.
The computer services director is going forward to seek proposals to upgrade the audio and visual capabilities of the city council meeting room.
The City of Berwyn is once again Tree City USA.
If anyone is interested in becoming an illegal apartments' inspector, there is a job opening with the City.
That's all folks!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Mutt Show/WGN/Berwyn
We’re very excited to announce that WGN TV is coming to Berwyn this Friday to tape the news live from our very own area!
They will be at MROZ PARK on the corner of Riverside Drive and Oak Park Avenue and will be focusing on the Great American Mutt Show.
They will be filming several dogs performing tricks and stunts and will be interviewing people.
They have requested a crowd of people to help cheer on the dogs and smile to the cameras (a la “Good Morning America”).
Although we ask that you be there at 6:30 AM at the latest, its well worth the publicity we will be getting for Berwyn and hope you can make it.
Please join us if you can this Friday at MROZ PARK at 6:30AM.
Thank you for all the ongoing support and we look forward to seeing you on TV!
Monday, May 14, 2007
Berwyn Culture
Thursday May 17th, 5 pm to 7 pm is another Berwyn After Hours, hosted by the Berwyn Development Corporation and the North Berwyn Park District. Come celebrate the first Arts Center Grand Opening. Refreshments and appetizers will be provided. 6420 W. 16th Street.
Saturday May 19th, 11 am to 1 pm. Second Arts Center Grand Opening. Take a walking tour of the newest addition to the community, the Berwyn Arts Center, 6420 W. 16th Street. Features a 47 seat Little Black Box Theater and a fully equipped music room. Come take a glimpse of the variety of programs and activities this new facility will house. Refreshments and appetizers will be provided.
Also, Saturday, at Morton West High School, the All American Mutt Show. 9 am to 5 pm. Come check out this regionwide event.
Two Events
First, on Thursday May 17, the All Berwyn Committee will host the 'State ofThe City" address by Mayor Michael A. O'Connor.
Please join them to hear the Mayor's report card on our city and his vision for the future. The meeting will be held at City Hall, 7:00pm. Refreshments will be served after the Mayor's address.
Second, the 3rd Annual 3rd Ward Picnic will be held on Saturday, June 23, 2007 at Proksa Park.
Seeking two types of volunteers: those that can pass out flyers and those that can help the day of the picnic. Last two years have had great volunteers at the picnic. Hope to have the same volunteers, but can always use everyone.
Thank you in advance.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Tonight, Wednesday, is the Night
Hello friends!
Mark your calendars.
You had a great time at the last Berwyn Arts Council meet and greet at Fitzgerald’s and we have more fun in store for you at our next BAC event next Wednesday, night, May 9th from 7-10pm, at 3625 S. Harlem, The Moose Lodge.
Come get involved in the Berwyn arts scene!Don’t miss the live band karaoke!
Good Times for all!
Monday, May 07, 2007
Neighborhood Watch Meeting, May 7, 2007
May 7, 2007, 7:00 p.m. at the Berwyn Police Department, 6401 31st Street
Chief Kushner, Division Commanders and other Police Personnel will be presenting the new zone information and will address questions and concerns of residents and business owners.
You do not have to be a block captain to attend. Go for it!
Saturday, May 05, 2007
April 25, 2007 City Council Meeting
Ordinances will be prepared for approval vote regarding increasing fines for cannabis possession-- per Chief Kushner's request to, "Increase fines to 'something meaningful' -- to help better enforce ZERO tolerance." Fines had not been increased since 1994.
An additional Graffiti Removal Technician will soon be on board at the Police Department.
Police Chief Kushner's request to create an Alarm Users (Businesses & residential) Permit and new fee (for false alarms) was referred for further discussion. Currently, there is NO permit fee in effect for alarm users. Other municipalities issue a sticker that results in quite a nice hunk of revenue annually. Some municipalities have a Three strikes/false alarms = ticket rule in place. Request is to double existing fees for false alarms and require annual sticker. False alarms do 'cost' the City a lot -- while diverting police attention from other situations.
Alderman Brocato's widow was not approved by the Alderpeople. 4 against, 3 for.
Alderperson Chapman dropped her override of the Mayor's veto concerning the Library, which essentially means that two more good citizens have been added to the Library Board; 3rd Ward citizens at that.
The daytime curfew passed. This is another tool for our police department. If there is school, then those who should be in school must not be on the streets.
April 11, 2007 City Council Meeting
There has been and is fighting over the library board.
The 8th Ward Alderman wants to get rid of the Recreation department.
Sedgwick(Century Station) is back on schedule.
Terri Shonder is the new commissioner for Community Relations and will take a small stipend and no health insurance, which saves the City money as compared to the person she replaces.
Those were the highlights.
Nieghborhood Watch Meeting, April 7, 2007
May 7, 2007, 7:00 p.m. at the Berwyn Police Department, 6401 31st Street
Chief Kushner, Division Commanders and other Police Personnel will be presenting the new zone information and will address questions and concerns of residents and business owners.
You do not have to be a block captain to attend. Go for it!
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Berwyn After Hours
BERWYN After Hours
Join the Berwyn Development Corporation and Inclusive, we host another ‘Berwyn After Hours’.
Come and enjoy delicioushors d’ oeuvres and sample a variety of beverages.
Come join us and remember to bring a friend! Hope to see you all there!
Inclusive, Inc.Date: Thursday, May 3, 2007
Time: 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Place: Inclusive Inc. 6319 W. Roosevelt Road, Berwyn, IL 60402
Hosted by: Pamela Langdon, Owner
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Berwyn After Hours
BERWYN After Hours
Join the Berwyn Development Corporation and Inclusive, Inc.
as we host another ‘Berwyn After Hours’. Come and enjoy delicious
hors d’ oeuvres and sample a variety of beverages. Come join us and
remember to bring a friend! Hope to see you all there!
Inclusive, Inc.
Date: Thursday, May 3, 2007
Time: 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Place: Inclusive Inc.
6319 W. Roosevelt Road
Berwyn, IL 60402
Hosted by: Pamela Langdon