Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Mutt Show/WGN/Berwyn
We’re very excited to announce that WGN TV is coming to Berwyn this Friday to tape the news live from our very own area!
They will be at MROZ PARK on the corner of Riverside Drive and Oak Park Avenue and will be focusing on the Great American Mutt Show.
They will be filming several dogs performing tricks and stunts and will be interviewing people.
They have requested a crowd of people to help cheer on the dogs and smile to the cameras (a la “Good Morning America”).
Although we ask that you be there at 6:30 AM at the latest, its well worth the publicity we will be getting for Berwyn and hope you can make it.
Please join us if you can this Friday at MROZ PARK at 6:30AM.
Thank you for all the ongoing support and we look forward to seeing you on TV!