Sunday, May 20, 2007
City Council Meeting, May 8, 2007
The Mayor's mayoral appointments, which need to be appointed at the first May meeting of every year, were once again not approved. This means, everyone from the police and fire chief, to the recreation director, were once again, not approved by the Alderpeople. So, once again, they will all be temporarily appointed.
Once again, there is still a vacancy in the 5th Ward. It appears this will last until the next election.
There will be formed an ad hoc committee to make an American with Disabilities Act transition plan so that all public facilities will be more accessable.
Non-union employees are now in line to get pay raises up to 4%, in line with those in unions.
Berwyn's fence ordinance has been amended so 6 foot fences are now legal, as long as the top one foot is an open lattice type.
The computer services director is going forward to seek proposals to upgrade the audio and visual capabilities of the city council meeting room.
The City of Berwyn is once again Tree City USA.
If anyone is interested in becoming an illegal apartments' inspector, there is a job opening with the City.
That's all folks!