Berwyn's Arts Blog
Thursday, November 27, 2008
November 2008 City Council Recap
The general contractor for the depot parking garage has been approved. Groundbreaking should be hopefully by the end of the year.
Water rates on your bill will be going up 10 percent. Chicago raised its cost to us, so we raise it to you.
And, under the contract with Waste Management, trash collection rates will be going up next year 5.2%.
And, the City will be voting to possibly raise property taxes next year up to five percent. Sadly, even this possible increase will not afford the City to break even in next year's budget.
Finally, City vehicle stickers may go up in price next June. Time will tell.
There is your financial news for the City. Should be no surprise to anyone.
Three new police officers have been given permission to be hired by the police chief.
The Department of Justice has sent the City a letter indicating more than three quarter of a million dollars was misspent in 2004 and 2005 under the asset forfeiture program. This was money spent by the Public Safety Director. Thank you Mr. Marzullo. Did the interim police chief misspend the monies? I do not know. Ultimately, however much money was misspent will have to be paid back the the US government.
The new firehouse on 16th Street will be open in the next couple of months.
Miracle on 22nd Street will be occurring on December 20, 2008 courtesy of "Main Street".
There will be a non-binding referendum on "medical clinics" on the April, 2009 ballot.
That is all the news fit to print. Or not.
Happy holiday!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Bodhi Thai Restaurant
This restaurant is located at Lombard and Roosevelt.
The operator is trying to open on December 15th, 2008, and currently is having his business license inspections completed.
The BDC will host a TIF completion/ribbon cutting after the New Year holiday.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Property Management Training Center
The Berwyn Housing Center, in conjunction with Community Investment Corporation is having a CIC Property Management Training Seminar at the Berwyn Police Station on Saturday November 22, 2008, 9:00 am.
This program empowers landlords with the knowledge to better manage, market, and maintain residential and rental property.
Don't miss this opportunity to:
Increase your knowledge of Maintenance systems,
Evictions, Building Code Tax Appeals and so much more!!
The entire course is estimated at over $400.00 but it is available to you for only $45.00 in advance or $50.00 at the door and with that admission you will get:
* A certificate of completion
* Residential property management procedures manual
* Direct access to fellow landlords in the area
* Lunch and much much more!
Due to limited space, pre-registration is mandatory
Please visit:
If you can not attend, please send someone in your stead, or catch another seminar, they have them monthly all over Chicagoland!
Or you can send a check to the Berwyn Housing Center made payable to the "CIC". Reserve your space now, seating is limited!!
Berywn Housing Center
c/o Carter Jebb
3239 S. Grove, #100
Berwyn, IL 60402
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Two Events
The All Berwyn Committee is hosting a meeting on
Home Foreclosure Crisis Causes, Impact on Berwyn & Rights
While in Foreclosure
Presentations by the Latino Policy Forum
Director of Dept of Community Development of City of Berwyn
Riverside Law Group
7 pm, Berwyn City Hall
Opening of Tonino's at corner of Windsor/Home
5:30 pm to 7:30 pm
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Property Tax Workshops
Thursday, November 13, 2008 @ 7pm
2600 S. Ridgeland
Monday, December 1, 2008 @ 7pm
6401 W. 31st
Representatives from the Board of Review will be on hand to answer questions and assist with the tax appeal process.
For more information, contact Berwyn Township Assessor Office, 788-6600
Saturday, November 01, 2008
October, 2008 City Council Recap
The Harlem Avenue Metra train station will be getting a coffee shop in the station.
The Thai restaurant at Roosevelt and Lombard is so close to opening. Better/should happen by Thanksgiving.
Starting after the April, 2009 election, elected officials will have to pay for health insurance as if a city employee. So, right now, besides having a copay for prescription medication, an elected official pays nothing.
If the union contracts change and employees have to pay part of their premium, then so would an elected official. Although I wanted to get rid of health insurance entirely for the alderpeople, well, that was not happening. Feel free to vote out the current alderpeople for taking your money unnecessarily I believe. The cost of health insurance for an alderperson is approximately $12,000.00 if that person has a family. Nice, for a part-time job. Of course, every alderperson will tell you it is not a part-time job.
The cellphone flagpole will not be going into Proksa.
The DUI clinic will not be going to 26th Street.
The city has ordered its salt for the winter. We are getting it from two places and paying twice as much as last year and then some; matters beyond the city's control.
The City will be giving $10,000.00 next year to the Berwyn Cultural Center.
Cuyler Pool will now be known as The Ben Brocato Playground.
Hope everyone had a great Halloween!