Saturday, November 01, 2008
October, 2008 City Council Recap
The Harlem Avenue Metra train station will be getting a coffee shop in the station.
The Thai restaurant at Roosevelt and Lombard is so close to opening. Better/should happen by Thanksgiving.
Starting after the April, 2009 election, elected officials will have to pay for health insurance as if a city employee. So, right now, besides having a copay for prescription medication, an elected official pays nothing.
If the union contracts change and employees have to pay part of their premium, then so would an elected official. Although I wanted to get rid of health insurance entirely for the alderpeople, well, that was not happening. Feel free to vote out the current alderpeople for taking your money unnecessarily I believe. The cost of health insurance for an alderperson is approximately $12,000.00 if that person has a family. Nice, for a part-time job. Of course, every alderperson will tell you it is not a part-time job.
The cellphone flagpole will not be going into Proksa.
The DUI clinic will not be going to 26th Street.
The city has ordered its salt for the winter. We are getting it from two places and paying twice as much as last year and then some; matters beyond the city's control.
The City will be giving $10,000.00 next year to the Berwyn Cultural Center.
Cuyler Pool will now be known as The Ben Brocato Playground.
Hope everyone had a great Halloween!