Berwyn's Arts Blog
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
The Berwyn Challenge
The Berwyn Challenge 2008
BerwynCARES ( is happy to announce its intention to help fund classroom projects in Berwyn schools through
Check out these great projects and consider giving a tax-deductible donation today! Please help our teachers!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Berwyn Main Street ( is bringing the Czech Oasis to Houby Fest. They have great food, entertainment, vendors and beergarden. Please help them make this a great event. They cannot do it without you!
They still need volunteers for the Czech Oasis at Houby Fest. The beer garden will be open Saturday 12-10pm and Sunday 12pm-10pm.
They still need volunteers for the following tasks and time slots:
Saturday: 12-2 beer pouring (1 person)2-4 ticket sales (2 people)4-6 beer pouring + ticket sales (5 people)6-8 beer pouring + ticket sales (3 people)8-10 beer pouring + ticket sales (4 people)
Sunday:12-2 beer pouring (3 people)6-8 beer pouring + ticket sales (5 people)8-10 beer pouring + ticket sales (5 people)
Please contact Michael Bogert of Berwyn Main Street at or call 708-484-8000For more information on the event visit
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
City Wide Neighborhood Watch Meeting
Tonight, Wednesday, September 24, 2008, 7 pm, at the Berwyn Police Station.
As the city’s population expands, Berwyn police want to give residents a better understanding of the extent of crime taking place in the community.
A citywide neighborhood watch meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. Wednesday at the Berwyn Police Department, 6401 31st St. The session also will feature information about gangs and school safety.
Police Chief William Kushner said the meeting is open to all residents and is designed to provide an inside look at crime fighting. He said he plans for a presentation to show residents the breakdown of Berwyn’s annual crime statistics, and residents may ask questions of police and city staff during the meeting.
Residents also may sign up to become block captains or to participate in a neighborhood watch, Mayor Michael O’Connor said.
“I think it’s very important to attend,” he said. “The more eyes and ears we can have on the streets, the safer we can be.”
The mayor said participation in neighborhood watch has doubled in the past three years.
Kushner said he hopes to bring in a Chicago Police Department officer to talk about gang recruitment so residents are aware of some of the warning signs. Berwyn police also plan to talk to parents about school safety. Anyone who attends the meeting may take a tour of the Berwyn Police Department, Kushner said.
BDC After Hours
Thursday, September 25, 2008, from 5 to 7 pm, at AztecAmerica Bank,
2136 S. Oak Park.
Network with Berwyn civic officials, local residents, AztecAmerica staff, BDC staff & members while enjoying complimentary hors d'oeuvres & cocktails.
Raffle drawing begins at 6pm! RSVP by calling 708-788-8100
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Few Things
Friend of the Berwyn Public Library Autumn Book Sale
Friday, Sep. 26, 2008 from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm.
Saturday, Sep. 27, 2008 from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm
Discount price of a buck-a-bag on Saturday from noon to 4 pm.
Most books for one dollar or less.
Berwyn Trolley Centennial Trolley Tour
Sunday, Sep. 28, 2008
Starts at Sokol Tabor Hall, 1602 S. Clarence
1pm, 2:15 pm and 3:30 pm.
Registration begins at noon. Five dollar suggested donation.
More info, please call David Olson, 708-795-8459
Art, sculpture and photography illustrate a Poe subject.
Writing & Poetry: spooky short stories; haunting poems.
Theatre & Dance: create & Perform short scenes; perform a dramatic reading; interpret a Poe character.
Musicians: something wicked, something creepy.
Participation is as easy as Poe! If interested in being part of POEfest, email Fran Gregory at or call her at 708-484-7201.
POEfest will be happening from October 26, 2008 to October 30, 2008.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Two Events
The Berwyn Development Corporation (BDC) cordially invites you to Tiger O’Stylies Re-launch Presentation on September 18, 2008 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
The ribbon-cutting ceremony will celebrate the completion of TIF funded interior renovations at Tiger O’Stylies, a bar and restaurant located at 6300 West Ogden Avenue, and will feature a live acoustic musical performance, sample menu items, and a hosted bar during the first half of the event.
We look forward to participating in this special presentation with you.
For more information, visit or call 708-788-8100.
Friday from 6 - 11pm, Saturday from noon - 11pm come join us in the Historic Depot District for fun, food, games, music, and beer (21+).
Berwyn C.A.R.E.S. will have activities for the kids and Officer McGruff (the artist formerly known as McGruff the Crime Dog) will be there, too. Many of the local shops will be open both nights featuring food and treats for the festivities. Shops are also featuring some great Halloween stuff, so come by and check it out!
musical performances by...
Phoenix (6:00pm) Hairbangers Ball (8:30pm)
R-Gang (12noon) Eddie Korosa, Jr. (12:45pm/at the
garden) The Neverly Brothers (2:30pm)
Retroactive (5:30pm) Infinity (8:30pm)
Also featuring family and children’s activities provided by C.A.R.E.S.,
Amusement & Pony Rides, The Smoke House, Officer McGruff,
Carnival Amusement Games, Prizes & Dollars For Scholars 50/50 Raffle!
Food Vendors for the Whole Family & Beer Garden for 21+
708-788-8100 |
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Tuesday Zoning Meeting
Tuesday, September 16, 2008, at 7 pm, at City Hall is a Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting.
Please try and attend. There are two very important items on the agenda:
First, the cell phone flag pole at Proksa Park.
Second, a substance abuse clinic at Lombard and 16th Street.
If you do come, please be respectful, courteous and professional.
See you there. Or not.
Monday, September 08, 2008
Cell Phone Flag Pole at Proksa
If anyone wants to help in the effort to stop a cell phone tower from being put in Proksa Park, please contact Or not.
Sunday, September 07, 2008
City Council Recap, Aug. 26, 2008
Besides the referendum shenanigans, not much else to report. As I previously wrote, the referendum to make Berwyn non-partisan will not be on the November, 2008 ballot.
All the public works' employees that were laid off have now been reinstated, subject to certain goals and committments.
It should be noted that a Public Works' employee damaged a truck to the tune of $20,000.00 because he forgot that the truck would not fit under an underpass.
The parking garage is very close to being built; should be before the end of the year.
Finally, if you believe you have a business to open up at the Harlem Avenue train station, such as coffee or doughnuts or anything else, you should immediately contact the Director of the Berwyn Development Corporation so you can put in your proposal:
Friday, September 05, 2008
Two Events This Weekend
Route 66 Car Show
Saturday, September 6
From 7:00am to 4:00pm
Do you love cars? Stroll down Ogden Avenue and view this wonderful display! The 18th Annual Route 66 Car Show will feature classic, rare and one-of-a-kind automobiles. Over 400 cars turn up to compete for prizes for this major regional event each year! Also featuring bands, food, vendors, raffles and much more. Registration required in order to enter your vehicle.
On Ogden Ave between Ridgeland and Oak Park Avenues
West Side Greens Fall Membership Meeting
SUNDAY, September 7th –1:00 – 3:00 pm.
Harris Bank, 6655 West Cermak, at the corners of Cermak, Riverside Drive and Wesley Street in Berwyn.
Meet our local West Side Candidates and discuss local issues and elections!
WS Greens Endorsed by the IVI-IPO!
Jerome Pohlen for U S Representative (IL 3rd District)
Rita Maniotis for State Representative (21st District)
Kevin O’Connor for State Representative (41st District)
Rita Bogolub for Metropolitan Water Reclamation District:
Directions to the Bank: If you are taking Public Transit and coming North or South on Oak Park Ave: take the 311 bus and walk 2 blocks east. (It runs every hour on Sundays). Coming from the 54th and Cermak CTA Pink Line: take any bus going west (322, 21 and 304 all stop at that corner and run frequently even on Sunday).
For information contact: Bruce Samuels 708/383-7711 or email:
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Circus Tomorrow, Thursday
The South Berwyn Education Foundation is sponsoring the 2nd Annual Kelly Miller Circus. All proceeds benefit and support the students of School District 100.
The Circus will take place on Sept. 4th, at Janura Park, at 4:30 pm and 7:30 pm shows.
Tickets purchased today at LaVergne Education Center, and the YMCA are $5 for children and $10 for adults. Tomorrow, tickets will be $6 for children and $12 for adults at Janura Park.
Everyone is welcome. Come and see this well known traveling Circus under the big top.
For more information contact Irving School, Dan Lane @ 708-795-2334.