Wednesday, September 24, 2008
City Wide Neighborhood Watch Meeting
Tonight, Wednesday, September 24, 2008, 7 pm, at the Berwyn Police Station.
As the city’s population expands, Berwyn police want to give residents a better understanding of the extent of crime taking place in the community.
A citywide neighborhood watch meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. Wednesday at the Berwyn Police Department, 6401 31st St. The session also will feature information about gangs and school safety.
Police Chief William Kushner said the meeting is open to all residents and is designed to provide an inside look at crime fighting. He said he plans for a presentation to show residents the breakdown of Berwyn’s annual crime statistics, and residents may ask questions of police and city staff during the meeting.
Residents also may sign up to become block captains or to participate in a neighborhood watch, Mayor Michael O’Connor said.
“I think it’s very important to attend,” he said. “The more eyes and ears we can have on the streets, the safer we can be.”
The mayor said participation in neighborhood watch has doubled in the past three years.
Kushner said he hopes to bring in a Chicago Police Department officer to talk about gang recruitment so residents are aware of some of the warning signs. Berwyn police also plan to talk to parents about school safety. Anyone who attends the meeting may take a tour of the Berwyn Police Department, Kushner said.