Berwyn's Arts Blog
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Mark Your Calendars
The Zoning Board of Appeals will be conducting a hearing concerning the installation of a T-Mobile Stealth Antenna Flag Pole at Proksa Park on Tuesday, September 16, 2008at 7 pm at City Hall.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
There will not be a non-partisan referendum on the ballot in November. The democrats and republicans apparently do not believe in Democracy. Power yes. Democracy no.
Additional West Nile Virus
Cook County Health Department places traps in areas to monitor the activity of mosquitoes and to detect the presence of West Nile infected mosquitoes. I do not believe the locations really should not(sic) be disclosed. They don't want folks messing with the traps. The more important issue is that a positive mosquito has ended up within our city (of Berwyn). We would not want a false sense of confidence spread throughout our city because the mosquito was on one end of town rather than the other, would we? We suggest the following precautions be taken:
Residents are being asked to survey their property and remove any potential breeding grounds for mosquitoes. This would include making sure that there is no standing water. Keeping areas clear of stagnant water will reduce the mosquito population and therefore reduce the risk to humans.
The West Nile Virus causes encephalitis, which is an inflammation of the brain. People with compromised immune systems are more susceptible, such as the infirmed and the elderly. Infants and young children are also at a higher risk. Mild symptoms associated with the virus include fever, head and body aches, often with swollen lymph glands. More severe infection is marked by headache, high fever and neck stiffness, which can progress to stupor, disorientation, coma, tremor, convulsions, and paralysis and in relatively rare instances, death.
* Turnover containers that hold water, such as bird feeders.
* Change water in wading pools and backyard ponds every seven days to kill mosquito larvae. If the pond has fish, the fish will eat the larvae. Monitor quality of water in residential swimming pools. If pool will be unused for a long period of time, make sure it is chlorinated and a pool cover is in place.
* Check flat roofs, clean roof and gutters where standing water may gather.
* Unused flowerpots should be turned upside down or stored in an area where they will not gather rainwater.
Elderly people and those with underlying medical conditions, especially with weakened immune systems, are at a greater risk.
Reduce your outside activities at dawn and dusk, when mosquitoes are more active.
Personal protection is wise; whenever you are outdoors, wear long pants and long sleeves to minimize your exposure area.
Utilize mosquito netting on strollers of infants and young children to prevent mosquito bites.
A mosquito repellent containing 30% DEET ( diethyltoluamide) is recommended for use when it is necessary to be outdoors, apply sparingly to exposed skin or clothing, as indicated on the repellent label. Consult a physician before using repellents on small children. Natural repellents are also available from Health Food stores. Once you and your children return indoors, wash treated skin with soap and water.
Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Elizabeth Pechous
Office Manager
Berwyn Public Health District
(708) 788-6600
West Nile Virus
The Township Health Department received a call from Cook County this morning. A mosquito that tested positive as a carrier of West Nile was found in a trap located within our fair city.
Be warned. Or not.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Fitzgeralds, Thurs., 8-28-08
Thursday, August 28, 2008 – Democratic National Convention, 6pm, Free!
Join Fitzgeralds as Barack Obama accepts the Democratic party's nomination as presidential candidate.
9x16 foot screen, hi-def telecast if available; Wishbone restaurant will be open next door. This is a free event – families welcome!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Town Hall Meeting, Monday, 25th
Non-Partisan Referendum Town Hall Meeting
This will be held Monday, August 25, 2008 at City Hall at 7 pm. The City Council will be voting on Tuesday, the 26th, whether or not to put on the November a ballot a referendum that would change Berwyn's local election of City Officials to non-partisan, rather then Democrat, Republican, etc. I urge you to attend to be educated and ask questions and decide if you want to change to a non-partisan way of voting.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Depot District Event
Besides the Roosevelt Road Street Fair tomorrow, here is a listing of things in the Depot:
Anniversary/Sales in the Depot District
Mark your calendars, August 23
Come and celebrate as 3 of Berwyn’s Historic Depot District businesses mark their anniversaries.
A Vintage Marketplace of eco-retro offerings that span the 20th Century celebrates its 2nd Anniversary
Secret Discount 10-25% off your entire purchase 11am - 6pm
Mary Memories, 6834 Windsor
Antiques and curiosities for the home
Anniversary Sale 10% off all merchandise
Free coffee and sweet rolls from 10a-11a
Raffle entry with purchase
Over The Rainbow, 6836 Windsor
An olde fashion ice cream parlor, celebrates its 2nd anniversary.
Please join us for our sidewalk chalk art contest for kids starting at noon
Followed by free Birthday Cake ice cream at 1:00pm
And a children’s magic show featuring Kevin Kelly at 2:00pm
Fly Right Gifts, 6902 Windsor
Features eco-friendly gifts for the whole family
Free gift with every purchase of $20.00 or more
Plus enter raffle for your chance to win a Melissa & Doug Puzzle
Come see what all the hoopla is about!
Windsor Cigar Depot, 6830 Windsor
Cigars and smoking lounge
10% off all merchandise
Fillmore Books, 6834 Windsor
Fine selection of paperback, hardcover,
rare and autographed books
Half price all books, August 21 – August 24
It Never Stops
Mike Jr. to the rescue
We're confident that Mike Zalewski is a fine young lad. And by the hack standards of the Illinois legislature, he'll probably be a fine state representative. Make no mistake, the 29-year-old will be representing most of Brookfield and a chunk of Riverside by January. That's when the charade being played by local Democrats will be complete.
Here's the current version of the age-old scam among despicable Chicago Dems:
State Rep. Bob Molaro, whom voters obediently renominated in the primary, has had a change of heart, poor baby, and no longer wants to move democracy forward in the crucible of Springfield politics. He needs a rest. Maybe a judgeship, if you believe published reports.
So, lo and behold, there is this gaping hole on the ballot. What to do! What to do! Thankfully, young Mike Zalewski has volunteered to step into the breech and allow democracy to continue. And the grateful Democratic committeemen have clapped Mike on the back, in the usual sign of anointing in Chicago politics.
Did we mention that one of the committeemen happens, coincidentally, to be Mike Zalewski the Elder, the alderman of Chicago's 23rd Ward?
So Mike Jr. is sliding right into that cozy ballot position running against a doomed Republican and a presumably very earnest Green Party candidate(Berwyn's own Rita Maniotis). Our guess is that Mike Jr. will win.
His election can't come too soon for us. What with Springfield in gridlock, the house under the boot of Speaker Mike Madigan, we need a young buck like Mike Jr. to storm into the capital filled with Mr. Deeds-like political purity to shake things up and convince those darned lawmakers that for once they need to think for themselves and do the right thing.
It is going to be quite the story. We can tell. After all, it has worked out great with Todd Stroger and Dan Lipinski.
Go get 'em, State Rep. Mike Jr.
Make us proud.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Two Things
Roosevelt Road Street Fair
As plans move forward to make Roosevelt Road a little more environmentally friendly, the coordinator of an upcoming street fair on the thoroughfare is following suit with a green theme for the festival.
The Roosevelt Road Summer Spectacular Street Fair is set for 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 23, between East and Oak Park avenues.
Coordinator Paul Zimmerman, president of the Roosevelt Road Business Association and vice president of the Berwyn Development Corp. board, said he organized the event with an Earth-friendliness theme because he would like to see more sustainable development on the thoroughfare.
“This whole streetscape plan that’s going is literally a greening of Roosevelt Road in terms of getting landscaping and trees, which Roosevelt Road has precious little of. I’m hoping that there will be elements that are green in construction,” he said.
He said a project on Marion Street in Oak Park, where storm-water runoff on the street could be filtered and reused to water landscaping there, would be good for Roosevelt Road. The project was led by Duncan Associates in Chicago, the same urban planning consulting firm that representatives from Berwyn, Cicero and Oak Park are working with to revitalize Roosevelt.
Vendors are based in the Chicago area and include Recycle Me, which sells 100 percent organic cotton T-shirts; My Solar Bike, which aims to cut emissions and sells electric bikes; and Green Home Experts, which offers environmentally friendly building products for the home.
Chicago Gateway Green, a nonprofit organization advocating for the beautification of the Chicago area, will be present as well as someone from the Working Bikes Cooperative, a Chicago-based nonprofit that accepts bikes as donations and ships them to needy people across the world. Also, two Smart cars will be exhibited, and a Segway enthusiast plans to show off his preferred mode of transportation.
The music stage is near FitzGerald’s, which will offer outdoor service of featured beers and dedicate its front yard to seating.
On the family stage will be the Oak Park-River Forest High School gospel choir; a music ensemble from Morton West; Circus Boy, a Chicago-based juggler, who rides a unicycle and plays with the audience; and a hip-hop dance group led by an Oak Park youth. David Kovac, who calls himself the “New Vaudevillian” and does magic, will emcee the event.
The stage also will feature snippets from theater companies the 16th Street Theater of Berwyn and the Village Players of Oak Park.
Mitchell Furlett, who calls himself “The Johnny Appleseed of Water Conservation,” will show people how they can conserve water in their homes on a daily basis.
The North Berwyn Park District will set up games for kids and Wonder Works, the children’s museum in Oak park, will host activities.
Non-Partisan Referendum Town Hall Meeting
This will be held Monday, August 25, 2008 at City Hall at 7 pm. The City Council will be voting on Tuesday, the 26th, whether or not to put on the November a ballot a referendum that would change Berwyn's local election of City Officials to non-partisan, rather then Democrat, Republican, etc. I urge you to attend to be educated and ask questions and decide if you wnat to change to a non-partisan way of voting.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Parking Survey
From: Nicole Campbell, City Traffic Engineer
Re: Residential Parking Questionnaire
In efforts to develop a uniform and effective residential parking policy, the following questionnaire has been created for research purposes and as a starting point. Please answer the questions and feel free to add any additional information as you see fit. Thank you for your time on this matter.
Do you feel resident only parking for non-commercial vehicles with a valid Berwyn vehicle sticker is essential for the City?
What times and/or days do you feel meet the needs of the residents?
Are there areas you feel a uniform policy would not work?
What times/days would work for these areas of concern?
What would be the most effective method of educating residents of a revised policy?
Either respond and send back to me and I will forward to the traffic engineer or
send back to
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Transportation Rally
I am unable to attend. Please attend and tell the Congressman what you think. We need money from the US Government for a quiet zone and to enact legislation concerning idling trains and trains that block crossings.
This is a reminder that you have been invited to attend a
Special Transportation Rally with Congressman Dan Lipinski supporting the purchase of the EJ&E by Canadian National
Thursday, August 21, 2008
North Riverside Village Hall
2401 S. Des Plaines Avenue
8:30 a.m. - Breakfast
10:00 a.m. - Transportation Rally
It is time that your voices are heard, and its important that every municipal supporter of this purchase be in attendance
If you are attending please call:
Tammy Wierciak or Lenny Cannata at 708-453-9100.
Monday, August 18, 2008
City Council Recap, 7-22-08/8-12-08
The construction is continuing on Cermak in the medians. When completed, it is supposed to look similar to the medians on Madison in Oak Park.
Parking has been approved in the parkways at 32nd and Harlem. Will be diagonal on one side and parallel on the other. Should actually make it easier to go through this little stretch.
A non-partisan referendum was discussed. There will be a public meeting on Monday, August 25, 2008 to discuss the referendum. It will be at 7pm at City Hall.
The council approved a slight upgrade to our mailing machine. This means that the capability to put in a couple of extra sheets of paper into the water bill will be easier and public information can now go out to those receiving water bills much easier. And, anything that goes out must be approved by council first. Should prove to be quite interesting.
The methadone clinic is dead for now.
Many new parking ordinances were approved. Will they have an effect. Only time will tell. If you want to look at the ordinances, simply go to the City website, and go to the full agenda for 7-22-08 and scroll down to J-1.
There may be a new snow removal/emergency plan coming. If it happens, will report on it.
The questionable police diplomas were discussed. To see what has been going on, feel free to look at the full agendan for 8-12-08 and scroll down to f-9.
There should be a temporary barrier going in the alley between Oak Park and Grove, nearest to Riverside Drive.
A lease was approved with Metra, which should pave the way for the new parking garage on the 3300 block of Grove.
More to come as always. Or not.
Monday, August 04, 2008
Artspace, Tonight, Monday, 8-4-08
Council approved funding for an Artspace pre-feasibility study this past Spring. The consultants from Artspace have scheduled their visit to Berwyn and as a background on the project/consultants, Artspace is a national non-profit organization which assists communities in determining need and location for work/live spaces for artists.
The consultants will be in Berwyn for two days, during which they will be meeting with a variety of stakeholders, doing tours of potential work/live areas, touring arts facilities and conducting a community wide public meeting.
Due to their limited time in Berwyn and a schedule which they pre-determine, there is very little flexibility with time and date. During the meeting the consultants are looking for feedback from you in regards to city concerns, future priorities etc. in order to allow them a better understanding of the area.
Your presence at the public workshop on August 4th at 7pm at the Police station would also be greatly appreciated.
Following the visit an Executive Summary will be created and submitted to the City within 6 weeks.
Sara Bratcher
Senior Urban Planner
Berwyn Development Corporation
(708) 788-8100- office
(312) 576-2031- cell
(708) 788-0966- fax