Monday, August 04, 2008
Artspace, Tonight, Monday, 8-4-08
Council approved funding for an Artspace pre-feasibility study this past Spring. The consultants from Artspace have scheduled their visit to Berwyn and as a background on the project/consultants, Artspace is a national non-profit organization which assists communities in determining need and location for work/live spaces for artists.
The consultants will be in Berwyn for two days, during which they will be meeting with a variety of stakeholders, doing tours of potential work/live areas, touring arts facilities and conducting a community wide public meeting.
Due to their limited time in Berwyn and a schedule which they pre-determine, there is very little flexibility with time and date. During the meeting the consultants are looking for feedback from you in regards to city concerns, future priorities etc. in order to allow them a better understanding of the area.
Your presence at the public workshop on August 4th at 7pm at the Police station would also be greatly appreciated.
Following the visit an Executive Summary will be created and submitted to the City within 6 weeks.
Sara Bratcher
Senior Urban Planner
Berwyn Development Corporation
(708) 788-8100- office
(312) 576-2031- cell
(708) 788-0966- fax