Monday, August 18, 2008
City Council Recap, 7-22-08/8-12-08
The construction is continuing on Cermak in the medians. When completed, it is supposed to look similar to the medians on Madison in Oak Park.
Parking has been approved in the parkways at 32nd and Harlem. Will be diagonal on one side and parallel on the other. Should actually make it easier to go through this little stretch.
A non-partisan referendum was discussed. There will be a public meeting on Monday, August 25, 2008 to discuss the referendum. It will be at 7pm at City Hall.
The council approved a slight upgrade to our mailing machine. This means that the capability to put in a couple of extra sheets of paper into the water bill will be easier and public information can now go out to those receiving water bills much easier. And, anything that goes out must be approved by council first. Should prove to be quite interesting.
The methadone clinic is dead for now.
Many new parking ordinances were approved. Will they have an effect. Only time will tell. If you want to look at the ordinances, simply go to the City website, and go to the full agenda for 7-22-08 and scroll down to J-1.
There may be a new snow removal/emergency plan coming. If it happens, will report on it.
The questionable police diplomas were discussed. To see what has been going on, feel free to look at the full agendan for 8-12-08 and scroll down to f-9.
There should be a temporary barrier going in the alley between Oak Park and Grove, nearest to Riverside Drive.
A lease was approved with Metra, which should pave the way for the new parking garage on the 3300 block of Grove.
More to come as always. Or not.