Berwyn's Arts Blog
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Need a Tree?
Public Works is scheduled to plant approximately 120 trees this year, well above the recent average of 30 trees a year. It does not have "homes" for all these trees at this time. Your assistance in finding locations to plant these trees would be quite helpful.
Please send me( a list of those addresses in your wards who could provide a good home for these trees. All addresses will be evaluated and have a tree assigned based on suitability and sustainability.
Public Works will continue this aggressive planting schedule for at least four more years, so if the trees run out this year, there will be more to follow.
Finance Director
The City of Berwyn is seeking a highly motivated individual as a Finance Director. This position reports to the Mayor and manages all of the City’s financial records and related processes.
Responsibilities include supervision of finance department staff, establishment and enforcement of internal control and accounting policies, recommendations on all financial decisions of the City, accurate maintenance of the City’s financial records in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, budget oversight and monitoring and preparation of annual financial reports.
Candidates must posses a bachelor’s degree in accounting or related field, CPA and/or masters degree or CPA strongly preferred and a minimum of six years of progressive experience in municipal accounting. Successful candidates must be able to demonstrate a high degree of professionalism, uncompromising ethics, and a commitment to financial stability and operational efficiency. The Finance Director is a key member of the senior management team and will be expected to develop strong working relationships with elected and appointed officials, as well as the civic and business community and rating agencies.
The City offers an excellent benefits package. The salary range for the position is $90,000 to $110,000 DOQ.
Interested candidates should submit resume, cover letter and salary history to:
Pat Segel
Human Resources Director
City of Berwyn
6700 W. 26th Street
Berwyn, Il 60402
Or Email to:
Fax: 708-484-7520
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
City Council Recap, 3-11-08
A litte TIF money was handed out to Supermercado Berwyn, 6337 Cermak, for a new awning; to the soon to be new chicken wing place next to La Espanola; and to Tiger O' Stylies for a better place.
The best worker in City Hall officially gave her resignation effective at the end of the month: the Finance Director. This is a tremendous loss to the City. I can only hope we get someone half as great as she has been.
The former firefighter Marzullo's case with the City is officially over. He is once again a firefighter with Berwyn.
Depending on what happens this coming Tuesday, the 6th Ward Alderperson may not have the City paying for his defense in a defamation case that has nothing to do with his official duties. If the Alderperson can muster six votes, he will override the Mayor's veto. I pray that the Mayor's veto stands.
I officially gave my wishlist to Public Works to figure out costs and to determine what can and can not be done for our Ward.
The Retail Overlay Ordinance for Cermak road was altered somewhat to make it a little less complicated.
Many more nice trash cans and and planters will be bought for Main Street(Cermak) and the depot to be placed in those two areas.
Out of 48 items, those are the relevant facts as to what occurred.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Neighborhood Watch Meeting
There will be a city-wide Neighborhood Watch Meeting on Tuesday,. March 18, 2008, at 7:00 pm at the Police Station. Every citizen of Berwyn is encouraged to attend. Or not.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Secretary to Mayor
Mayor’s Office
Position: Secretary to the Mayor
Salary: $33,000 to $38,000
Schedule: Full time – 40 hrs per week
Application Deadline: 3/20/08
Start Date: 3/31/08
Principal Duties & Responsibilities:
Position is responsible for day to day operations in the Mayor’s office, involvement with projects assigned by the Mayor, support for City operations as well as building relationships with organizations servicing the City.
Assists Mayor with routine duties, including agenda preparation, scheduling meetings and appointments, record maintenance, and internal and external communication. Position also prepares communications and tracks record maintenance for the liquor commissioner. Other duties include tracking the impact of state and federal legislation, establishing internal and external positive working relationships and other tasks as needed. Manages budget for Mayor’s office.
• High school diploma required. Associates Degree preferred.
• Knowledge of office procedures, filing computer operations, office equipment.
• Ability to communicate effectively and provide excellent customer service.
• Ability to multi-task and work independently; but also as a team player.
• Ability to do research.
• Computer literate with all Microsoft products.
• 5 years of progressive clerical responsibilities as well as experience working with the public. Municipal experience preferred.
Applications can be picked up and returned to:
City of Berwyn Human Resources Department
6700 West 26th Street
Berwyn, Il 60402-0701
The City of Berwyn is an Equal Opportunity Employer
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Friday Evening
Feel free to join the Berwyn Arts Council at a meet and greet with a special live concert from Brazilian Bossa Nova vocalist/guitarist, Paulinho Garcia this Friday night, March 14th. The event will be held at the 16th Street Theater at the North Berwyn Park District Cultural Center (6420 16th St.. Berwyn, Il 60402)
The doors open at 7pm and concert from 7:30-8:30 ($5 suggested donation). What a great way to check out Berwyn's new, beautiful theater and hear one of the best Chicago musicians. Come join with friends and family, all ages are welcome. Come mingle with other Berwyn artists!
Please support the arts in Berwyn!! Or not; but please do.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Thursday Events
The Great American Mutt Show
The Berwyn Development Corporation & the Brookfield Zoo are partnering together to invite you to the underwater dolphin viewing room for a launch celebration of the Chicagoland Great American Mutt Show!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
RSVP required by 03-07-08. Call the BDC for more info at 708-788-8100
Brookfield Zoo (Dolphin underwater viewing room)
3300 Golf Rd
Brookfield, IL 60513
Enter through “South Gate.” Shuttle buses will be available continually to transport you to the event.
$15.00 per person. Entry fee includes hors d’oeuvres, desserts and one complimentary drink ticket.
Also includes one raffle ticket. Cash bar will also be available.
RAFFLE PRIZES: 1st prize -- family membership to the Zoo and t-shirts.
2nd prize -- free admission to the mutt show, a ball toss with dock dogs and t-shirts.
3rd prize -- family admission to the Mutt Show and t-shirts.
ABC Meeting
Opinions on current Berwyn Public Library services and future needs will be explored at the All Berwyn Committee meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 13, in Berwyn City Hall, 6700 W. 26th St.
John Chrastka, vice president of the Berwyn Public Library Board and Strategic Planning Committee chair, will report on the results of a recent survey soliciting A.B.C. members’ views on library services. Then he will explain how those views will be incorporated in a long-range plan for the library. Friends of the Berwyn Public Library and library staff will detail programming innovations already underway.
“The All Berwyn Committee historically has served as a forum for exploring library needs,” noted Susan Anderson, A.B.C. president. “We welcome this opportunity to renew this relationship, and we know residents throughout the community will want to take advantage of this opportunity to express their opinions on this important city service.”
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Tonight, Saturday
If you are looking for something do do this Saturday, stop over to the Tamale Hut(located at 1st and Cermak) for its March reading, March 8th @ 7:00 p.m.
This is a BYOB night and you can get treat tamales (buy two get one free).
The featured readers will be comic book author Joshua Elder and Forest park's own Allison Lake.
Hope you can make it. Jaime, the owner, is a Berwyn resident.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Main Street Tonight, Thursday
Please join us at our open house for Berwyn Main Street(Cermak Road)!
James & Williams Jewelers is the gracious host for the evening.
7020 West Cermak Road, Berwyn
Thursday, March 6, 5:30pm-7:30pm
RSVP to our Berwyn Main Street's office (708) 484-8000
What’s happening with Main Street?
It is off to a great start with four committees making plans and tackling projects.
It is currently reviewing all sign and storefront improvement projects for Cermak Road – encouraging a higher design standard and attention to historic preservation issues.
Four requests for free architectural design services are in the works.
Berwyn Main Street is very interested in learning of your vision for Cermak Road. Please drop by the reception and also contact the Director to schedule a meeting where you can dig in and do some brainstorming. Evenings and weekends are open. This is a critical time for Cermak Road and for the Berwyn Main Street Program. It is heading towards an exciting revival of this very important business corridor.