Wednesday, March 19, 2008
City Council Recap, 3-11-08
A litte TIF money was handed out to Supermercado Berwyn, 6337 Cermak, for a new awning; to the soon to be new chicken wing place next to La Espanola; and to Tiger O' Stylies for a better place.
The best worker in City Hall officially gave her resignation effective at the end of the month: the Finance Director. This is a tremendous loss to the City. I can only hope we get someone half as great as she has been.
The former firefighter Marzullo's case with the City is officially over. He is once again a firefighter with Berwyn.
Depending on what happens this coming Tuesday, the 6th Ward Alderperson may not have the City paying for his defense in a defamation case that has nothing to do with his official duties. If the Alderperson can muster six votes, he will override the Mayor's veto. I pray that the Mayor's veto stands.
I officially gave my wishlist to Public Works to figure out costs and to determine what can and can not be done for our Ward.
The Retail Overlay Ordinance for Cermak road was altered somewhat to make it a little less complicated.
Many more nice trash cans and and planters will be bought for Main Street(Cermak) and the depot to be placed in those two areas.
Out of 48 items, those are the relevant facts as to what occurred.