Berwyn's Arts Blog
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Berwyn's Centennial
If anyone is interested in getting involved with Berwyn's Centennial celebration, which will be in June, 2008, please contact Carl Reina, at
He is in charge of the entire event.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
City Council Recap, 1-22-08
The Mayor proposed his own ordinance concerning the indemnification of Berwyn employees, although another had passed about two months ago. This one was sent to the Commitee of the Whole on a 4 to 4 vote.
The condo conversion building at 32nd and Harlem is seeking diagonal parking on the parkways. This was sent to our new traffic engineer to be studied.
There will be a hearing for the 2008 budget at 5:30 pm on Tuesday, February 12, 2008.
As everyone knows, the City's audits are complete. We aproved the contact to have teh 2007 audit completed. It cost $265,972.00 to copmlet the 2003 aduit. It cost $156,946.00 to copmlete the 2004 audit. It cotst $112,638 to complete the 2005 aduit and it cost $104,091.00 to complete the 2006 audit. We will be paying no more than $75,000.00 for the 2007 audit.
There should be a vote at the February 12, 2008 city council meeting to approve the redevelopment agreement for the superblock(Cermak/Oak Park).
The Fire Chief is retiring effective March 12, 2008.
There was a new position created: Assistant Fire Chief.
The new Traffic Engineer wants the City to not allow standing or parking a vehicle, whether occupied or not, within 20 feet of a crosswallk, which follows Illinois law. Currently, standing/parking is generally allowed within 10 feet of a crosswalk.
Finally, the Traffic Engineer has a whole host of recommendations for 16th Street parking and traffic flow.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Arts, Music and Crafts
The Art, Music and Craft Alliance
This is your invitation to join with me to form a loose knit group of artists, crafters and musicians who are willing to support each other and make new friends.
Membership would entitle you to receive e-mail alerts of fellow artists' exhibits and concerts and performances. Membership is free and the only requirement is genuine friendship and mutual support.
You can contact Diane at
Sunday, January 20, 2008
City Council Recap, 1-08-08
The Fifth Ward has a new Alderperson: Thomas Day.
Out of 23 items, that is the best I can do.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Citizens Police Academy
The Academy has met once, but is still looking for citizens to attend.
The Academy is a great way to learn about our Police Department.
The Academy will start on January 16, 2008, and will consist of 12 consecutive Wednesday night classes at 6:30 pm at the Police Dept. Applications can be picked up at the front desk of the Police Dept. 6401 W. 31st Street.
For more information contact Unit Commander Ken Zolecke 795-2101 or Det. Joe Santangelo 795-2151.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Anyone with a young child is invited to tour the classrooms and meet with the principal and kindergarten teacher on Monday, January 28th at Emerson, 3105 South Clinton Avenue.
This event will feature open classroom visiting from 9-10am, and a Q&A session with Principal Laura Massarella from 10am-10:30am. This is a wonderful opportunity for any parent who is considering Emerson as a potential school for their child.
If you are interested in attending or would like more information, please RSVP by emailing Vicki Ledajaks at as we would like to have an accurate count of those who are expected to attend.
**We are also working on a playgroup session (in Spring) for incoming Emerson kindergarten students to give both parents and faculty a chance to mingle before the school year begins next fall - please look for more information to be posted on this event in the coming months**
Thanks to BerwynCARES and Principal Massarella for making this activity possible!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Saturday Evening
Saturday, January 19, 2008; 7:00-10:00 PM Join Tamale Hut Cafe, owned by a Berwyn resident, for a special closing reception honoring Berwyn artist Miro Ledajaks
m i r o l e d a j a k s
w w w . a r t m i r o c h i c a g o . c o m
Enjoy a wonderful night of fine art, fiction, poetry, and music.
Featured literary and musical guests include: Carlos CumpianStephanie Kuehnert
Hooly 777
Tamale Hut Café
8300 W. Cermak Road
North Riverside , IL
(Corners of 1st Ave. and Cermak Roads)
Monday, January 14, 2008
2 Events this week
Tapas Bar La Espanola invites you to their grand opening on January 15, 2008.
Live music. Complimentary appetizers.
7:00 p.m.
On Thursday January 17th, 7:00pm at Berwyn City Hall, the All Berwyn Committee will be holding a Candidate's Forum, featuring candidate's running for the U.S. 3rd Congressional District and other county offices.
Please tell friends and family about this important event.
Monday, January 14, 2008, 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Looking For Help
I just received this email.
"My name is Rocio Perez. I now have a new request for assistance and/or referral. My youngest son attends 8th grade at St. Odilo.
We are having fundraisers to raise funds for the 8th grade trip to Washington DC. We would have to have an aluminum can recycling drive in Jan/Feb 2008.
However, we lost use of a free truck (that we used in Sept 07) to take the cans and/or other materials to the recycling. Could you assist us by either referring us to someone who would let us use their truck free of charge and/orassist us with getting a reduced rate on truck rental?"
Email Rocio at
Sunday, January 06, 2008
City Council Recap, 12-18-07
Berwyn's share of property taxes will go up 5% this year.
The real drama, which was all for nothing, is that the Alderpeople has appointed a City Administrator, but the person who the Alderpeople wanted to be the City Administrator backed out. Time will tell what happens.
Out of 22 items, that is it for 2007.
The next items up will be to appoint a new 5th Ward Alderperson, which, with a new law, will happen no later than the end of March.
A new budget needs to be passed. I hope that happens no later than mid-February.
And, the City Administrator saga shall continue.
Happy new year!
Friday, January 04, 2008
Funeral Home Estate Sale
Need a kneeler to place in front of your desk?
Perhaps a casket for that after lunch snooze or
a new venue for your office tryst?
6910 Windsor: Saturday 1/5/08 & Sunday 1/6/08 10-4pm
Great stuff, or so it is written! Abrams funeral home is selling everything from chapels & 2 upstairs apartments, inclduing antiques, sideboard, China cabinet, tables, lots of couches & chairs, stove, refridgerator, washer, dryer, Dining room, Living room & kitchen furniture, large screen TV, glassware, exercise & camping equipment, kneelers, chandeliers, Abrams sign, snow blower, mirrors, antique oriental bar.
Still unpacking; lots of boxes! For photos go to: (630) 294-4404