Sunday, January 27, 2008
City Council Recap, 1-22-08
The Mayor proposed his own ordinance concerning the indemnification of Berwyn employees, although another had passed about two months ago. This one was sent to the Commitee of the Whole on a 4 to 4 vote.
The condo conversion building at 32nd and Harlem is seeking diagonal parking on the parkways. This was sent to our new traffic engineer to be studied.
There will be a hearing for the 2008 budget at 5:30 pm on Tuesday, February 12, 2008.
As everyone knows, the City's audits are complete. We aproved the contact to have teh 2007 audit completed. It cost $265,972.00 to copmlet the 2003 aduit. It cost $156,946.00 to copmlete the 2004 audit. It cotst $112,638 to complete the 2005 aduit and it cost $104,091.00 to complete the 2006 audit. We will be paying no more than $75,000.00 for the 2007 audit.
There should be a vote at the February 12, 2008 city council meeting to approve the redevelopment agreement for the superblock(Cermak/Oak Park).
The Fire Chief is retiring effective March 12, 2008.
There was a new position created: Assistant Fire Chief.
The new Traffic Engineer wants the City to not allow standing or parking a vehicle, whether occupied or not, within 20 feet of a crosswallk, which follows Illinois law. Currently, standing/parking is generally allowed within 10 feet of a crosswalk.
Finally, the Traffic Engineer has a whole host of recommendations for 16th Street parking and traffic flow.