Friday, January 04, 2008
Funeral Home Estate Sale
Need a kneeler to place in front of your desk?
Perhaps a casket for that after lunch snooze or
a new venue for your office tryst?
6910 Windsor: Saturday 1/5/08 & Sunday 1/6/08 10-4pm
Great stuff, or so it is written! Abrams funeral home is selling everything from chapels & 2 upstairs apartments, inclduing antiques, sideboard, China cabinet, tables, lots of couches & chairs, stove, refridgerator, washer, dryer, Dining room, Living room & kitchen furniture, large screen TV, glassware, exercise & camping equipment, kneelers, chandeliers, Abrams sign, snow blower, mirrors, antique oriental bar.
Still unpacking; lots of boxes! For photos go to: (630) 294-4404