Berwyn's Arts Blog
Monday, April 30, 2007
Berwyn Arts Council, Update
Hello friends!
Mark your calendars.
You had a great time at the last Berwyn Arts Council meet and greet at Fitzgerald’s and we have more fun in store for you at our next BAC event next Wednesday, night, May 9th from 7-10pm, at 3625 S. Harlem, The Moose Lodge.
Come get involved in the Berwyn arts scene!
Don’t miss the live band karaoke!
Good Times for all!
Berwyn Arts Council, May 9, 2007
Hello friends! Mark your calendars.
You had a great time at the last Berwyn Arts Council meet and greet at Fitzgerald’s and we have more fun in store for you at our next BAC event next Wednesday, night, May 9th from 7-10pm.
Come get involved in the Berwyn arts scene!
Don’t miss the live band karaoke! Good Times for all!
Berwyn CARES Meeting, April 30, 2007
Citizens Aligned To Renew Education for Students (CARES) meets tonight, Monday, April 30, 2007, at the Library.
If you would like to:
1. Hear from some Berwyn teachers about the exciting projects and lessons that are happening in our districts,
2. Learn about the plans our state lawmakers are debating regarding school funding reform and how Berwyn students might be directly impacted, and
3. Discuss the results of the recent school board elections,
Then come to tonight's BerwynCARES meeting at the Berwyn Public Library at 7:30pm.
Friday, April 27, 2007
3rd Ward Town Hall Meeting
Do not forget. Town Hall Meeting for all 3rd Ward residents on Saturday, April 28, 2007, 11:00 a.m. at Trinity Church, Riverside and 26th.
Continental breakfast to be served. Many department heads and City officials will be present.
Friday, April 20, 2007
New City Website
Check it out. The City website has been modernized for the 21st century. Any criticism, constructive or positive, can be sent to the IT director, Jim Frank, at
All the information is not at the website just yet, but I know Jim is working on it.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
All Berwyn Committee
All Berwyn Committee, April 19, 2007
Just a friendly reminder about the next All Berwyn Committee meeting on Thursday April 19, 7 PM at Berwyn City Hall.
The program will focus onthe tri-city agreement between Berwyn, Cicero and Oak Park, to re-develop Roosevelt Rd. and what this will mean to the area, Residents,Shoppers and Business owners.
The featured speaker will be Paul Zimmerman, Vice-President of the Roosevelt Road Business Association.
Please help spread the word and forward to friends.
Education and Taxes
Hi Everyone.
This Thursday, April 19, 2007, 7:00 p.m. Chris Butler from A+ Ilinois and a representative from the Governor's office will speak at Morton West and help explain the various pieces of legislation that address fixing the broken system forfunding our public schools here in Illinois.
It is basically the bipartisan HB750 vs the Gov's Gross Receipts Tax plan.
Come here what it is about. Come and here about plans for a Rally Roadtrip toSpringfield on Wed May 9.
Main Street Meeting
Berwyn’s Cermak Road Corridor to Get “Main Street Makeover”
Berwyn’s historic Cermak Road is going to get a “Main Street Makeover”thanks to recently becoming part of the Illinois Main Street program.
The Main Street program is a comprehensive community revitalizationprogram that promotes the historic preservation and economic development oftraditional business districts.
Wendy Bell, Illinois Main Street Coordinator from Lt. Governor Pat Quinn’soffice, will lead a “visioning” session April 23 to talk about the benefitsof the Main Street program and how it will positively affect Cermak Road.
All Berwyn residents and Cermak Rd. business owners are invited to attend.
The meeting will include a question-and-answer session, as well as anopportunity for those in attendance to share their opinions, ideas andgoals for a revitalized Cermak Rd.
Attendees will also have an opportunityto learn about volunteer opportunities on various Berwyn Main Street committees.
The April 23rd presentation is open to the public and will be held in the community room of the Berwyn Police Department, 6401 W. 31st St.
Thesession will begin at 6:30 p.m. with food and refreshments. Bell’spresentation will begin at 7:00 p.m.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Tuesday, April 17, 2004 Election
Please vote. The High School vote is the most important, but all the races are important.
District 201 Morton High School, 2 year term: Theodore "Ted" P. Korbos
District 201 Morton High School, 4 year term: Mark Titzer, Thomas E. McLain, Eduardo Rios
South Berwyn School District 100, elementary and middle grade schools: Diego Estrella, Jim Swicionis, Anthony Harris
Morton College District 527 for 2 year term: I can not recommend anyone
MortonCollege District 527 for 6 year term Elmo "Gabe" Gonzalez
Berwyn Park District: Frank Amaro, Jeff Boyajian
Township District 39: Lou Angelino
Finally, there is a referendum for Township District 39. Please vote to get rid of this obscure form of government; this goes back to the time of horse and buggy.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Rock The Vote, Saturday, April 14, 2007/Election
Rock The Vote, April 17, 2007 Election I would love to see everyone attend. Great time, fun music, all you can drink, meet candidates and good cause. What more can you ask for I ask?
Rock The Vote'Rock the Vote' -- Saturday - April 14th, from 8:00-10:00pm @ Garv Inn in Berwyn.
Rock the Vote is a non-partisan fundraiser designed to increase awareness of the school board elections taking place on April 17th, with all of the net proceeds used to award scholarships (this Spring) to one, or more, Morton West graduates going on to college.
Tickets are $40 and will include food, bar (top-shelf) and live music by Goat Rodeo, a local band.
Tickets can be purchased at or at the door on the night of the event.I am recommending people or other votes for the upcoming election on April 17, 2007.
I know all the people I recommend below and believe all will be a great asset to their respective position.
I will periodically send this out.
Remember, the schools take the biggest bite out of your real estate taxes; bigger than the City's portion.
District 201 Morton High School, 2 year term: Theodore "Ted" P. KorbosDistrict
201 Morton High School, 4 year term: Mark Titzer, Thomas E. McLain, Eduardo Rios
South Berwyn School District 100, elementary and middle grade schools: Diego Estrella, Jim Swicionis, Anthony Harris
Morton College District 527 for 2 year term: I can not recommend anyone
MortonCollege District 527 for 6 year term Elmo "Gabe" Gonzalez
Berwyn Park District: Frank Amaro, Jeff Boyajian
For this race, please do not vote for Alex Bojovic.
Township District 39: Lou Angelino
Finally, there is a referendum for Township District 39. Please vote to get rid of this obscure form of government; this goes back to the time of horse and buggy.
All Berwyn Committee, April 19, 2007
Just a friendly reminder about the next All Berwyn Committee meeting on Thursday April 19, 7 PM at Berwyn City Hall.
The program will focus onthe tri-city agreement between Berwyn, Cicero and Oak Park, to re-develop Roosevelt Rd. and what this will mean to area, Residents,Shoppers and Business owners.
The featured speaker will be PaulZimmerman, Vice-President of the Roosevelt Road Business Association.
Please help spread the word and forward to friends.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Great American Mutt Show
Check it out. Coming soon to Berwyn.
Monday, April 09, 2007
Rock The Vote, April 17, 2007 Election
Rock The Vote
'Rock the Vote' -- Saturday - April 14th, from 8:00-10:00pm @ Garv Inn in Berwyn.'Rock the Vote' is a non-partisan fundraiser designed to increase awareness of the school board elections taking place on April 17th, with all of the net proceeds used to award scholarships (this Spring) to one, or more, Morton West graduates going on to college.
Tickets are $40 and will include food, bar (top-shelf) and live music by Goat Rodeo, a local band.Tickets can be purchased at or at the door on the night of the event.
I am recommending people or other votes for the upcoming election on April 17, 2007. I know all the people I recommend and believe all will be a great asset to their respective position.
I will periodically send this out.
Remember, the schools take the biggest bite out of your real estate taxes; bigger than the City's portion.
District 201 Morton High School, 2 year term: Theodore "Ted" P. Korbos
District 201Morton High School, 4 year term: Mark Titzer, Thomas E. McLain Eduardo Rios
SouthBerwyn School District 100, elementary and middle grade schools: Diego Estrella, Jim Swicionis, Tony Harris
Morton College District 527 for 2 year term: I can not recommend anyone
MortonCollege District 527 for 6 year term Elmo "Gabe" Gonzalez
Berwyn Park District: Frank Amaro, Jeff Boyajian For this race, please do not vote for Alex Bojovic.
Township District 39: Lou Angelino
Finally, there is a referendum for Township District 39. Please vote to get rid of this obscure form of government; this goes back to the time of horse and buggy.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Sevilla's Tapas Tonight, Thursday, April 6, 2007
Dear all,
Metromix informing us that they will be at Sevilla's tonight at 8/9pm. They want to do a longer segment on Sevilla's as part of a feature on Spanish cuisine. We hope to see you there tonight for a great night of entertainment with Metromix. Complimentary sangria will be served.
Following is the address for Sevilla's Tapas:
6543 W. Cermak Rd.
Berwyn, IL 60402
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
March 27, 2007 City Council Meeting Re-Cap
The minutes from the previous meeting were approved after Ald. Lovero changed his vote to allow a barber shop to fill an empty store front on Ogden Ave. Ald. Phelan changed his vote as well.
Five police officers honored for their actions last month following the tragic stabbing incident. Officers Stinson, Zoelecky, Manaro, Turdowski, and Green (who was unable to attend) received a round of applause from the audience and their fellow officers.
The intergovernmental agreement with Oak Park and Cicero was passed for the Roosevelt Road corridor.
The BDC is looking into placing a small coffee shop into the Berwyn train station.
The Clerk will be at a previously scheduled “conference” for the special council meeting on March 29th where the budget will be argued over and hopefully passed. His deputy was granted authority to sign documentation is his stead.
The budget was not passed in its current form.
Parking on the south side of Windsor has been changed to 2 hours from 8am to 5pm, no limit after that.
Ald. Chapman brought forward a change to the ordinance regarding the appointment of library board members. Mainly, she wants The Mayor out of the process. Politics are being played where they really shouldn’t be.
How this will affect the current appointments remains to be seen.
If you want a stop sign at the end of your block, it’ll take more than a vote by the council. A warrant study has to be done now, or the sign can be found to be illegal and the city could then be held liable for accidents that occur there.
Bidding was waived for replacing water pump #3.
Dunkin Donuts at Cermak and East will be getting a new guard rail.
Posted by Shain Coon in • City Council As always, thank you Shain.
Monday, April 02, 2007
Rock The Vote
'Rock the Vote' -- Saturday - April 14th, from 8:00-10:00pm @ Garv Inn in Berwyn.
'Rock the Vote' is a non-partisan fundraiser designed to increase awareness of the school board elections taking place on April 17th, with all of the net proceeds used to award scholarships (this Spring) to one, or more, Morton West graduates going on to college.
Tickets are $40 and will include food, bar (top-shelf) and live music by Goat Rodeo, a local band.
Tickets can be purchased at or at the door on the night of the event.
I am recommending people for the upcoming election on April 17, 2007. I know all the people I recommend and believe all will be a great asset to their respective position. I will periodically send this out. Remember, the schools take a big bite out of your real estate taxes; bigger than the City's portion.
District 201 Morton High School, 2 year term: Theodore "Ted" P. KorbosDistrict 201
Morton High School, 4 year term: Mark Titzer, Thomas E. McLain Eduardo RiosSouth
Berwyn School District 100, elementary and middle grade schools: Diego Estrella, Jim Swicionis, Tony Harris
Morton College District 527 for 2 year term: I can not recommend anyoneMorton
College District 527 for 6 year term Elmo "Gabe" Gonzalez
Berwyn Park District: Frank Amaro