Wednesday, April 04, 2007
March 27, 2007 City Council Meeting Re-Cap
The minutes from the previous meeting were approved after Ald. Lovero changed his vote to allow a barber shop to fill an empty store front on Ogden Ave. Ald. Phelan changed his vote as well.
Five police officers honored for their actions last month following the tragic stabbing incident. Officers Stinson, Zoelecky, Manaro, Turdowski, and Green (who was unable to attend) received a round of applause from the audience and their fellow officers.
The intergovernmental agreement with Oak Park and Cicero was passed for the Roosevelt Road corridor.
The BDC is looking into placing a small coffee shop into the Berwyn train station.
The Clerk will be at a previously scheduled “conference” for the special council meeting on March 29th where the budget will be argued over and hopefully passed. His deputy was granted authority to sign documentation is his stead.
The budget was not passed in its current form.
Parking on the south side of Windsor has been changed to 2 hours from 8am to 5pm, no limit after that.
Ald. Chapman brought forward a change to the ordinance regarding the appointment of library board members. Mainly, she wants The Mayor out of the process. Politics are being played where they really shouldn’t be.
How this will affect the current appointments remains to be seen.
If you want a stop sign at the end of your block, it’ll take more than a vote by the council. A warrant study has to be done now, or the sign can be found to be illegal and the city could then be held liable for accidents that occur there.
Bidding was waived for replacing water pump #3.
Dunkin Donuts at Cermak and East will be getting a new guard rail.
Posted by Shain Coon in • City Council As always, thank you Shain.