Monday, January 31, 2011
Snow Emergency
The National Weather Service has issued a snow and blizzard warning for Tuesday and Wednesday. A substantial amount of snow is expected to fall in the Chicago land area over the next few days.
On behalf of the City of Berwyn and Mayor Robert J. Lovero, we'd like to advise you that once six (6) inches of snow falls, and a snow emergency is declared, you must move your vehicle off of the main thoroughfare and park in alternative parking locations in accordance with the posted street cleaning/snow emergency signs. Side street parking will be governed by, the odd/even parking system as indicated on the posted street cleaning/snow emergency signs.
Mayor Lovero would also like you to know that the City of Berwyn will be available to provide emergency services to Berwyn's seniors during this upcoming snow storm. If you should require emergency services during this storm, please contact the Berwyn Police Department at 708-795-5600; 24 hours a day.
Thank you and have a nice day.
Or not.