Wednesday, November 03, 2010
This Saturday At Tamale Hut
Please join the Tamale Hut Cafe, Saturday, November 6 for the "Gift of the Magpie" trunk show. The evening starts at 7PM and features Krista Hartman-Piechowski's line of necklaces, bracelets and earrings. Everything is hand crafted using the finest materials, featuring sterling silver and semi-precious stones.
This is a great chance to kick-start your holiday shopping!
Tamale Hut Cafe is running a special on tamales! Some wine and beer will be provided, but you can also BYOB. Tamale Hut Cafe is located at 8300 W. Cermak, North Riverside, IL.
Krista will also hold a raffle to benefit Berwyn C.A.R.E.S. Krista is a Berwyn resident.
For more information see the attached flyer or call Krista at 773.454.9593; her email is
Hope to see you there... Or not...