Friday, November 19, 2010
After The Show
After the kids' concert, drop off the kids and head out to Horrorbles.
This Saturday, November 20th. 7pm-11pm
Steven Fisher studied painting& printmaking at the American Academy of
Art and currently teaches both disciplines for adults and children at
various locations in the west suburbs of Chicago.
He is a founding member of "From the Horses Mouth" artists' studio in
Berwyn. His work has been featured in numerous solo & group exhibits, as
well as on Channel 7 News with host Tracy Butler. While Steven's focus
is generally figurative, he has produced an ongoing series of
landscapes of Chicago landmarks, buildings& neighborhoods. Steven's
printmaking is often centered on stark yet lyrical monotypes that
experiment with the quality of a simple yet repetitive, overlapping
line. His pop portraits take a cue from Andy Warhol's own series of pop
icons and are a tribute to personalities that have either made an impact
on society at large or on Steve personally.
Horrorbles proudly welcomes this master of Pop-Art with a special
exhibit featuring a focus on more chilling & diabolical subject matter
with the artist available for sales & a personal meet and greet!
6729 W. Roosevelt Rd.
Berwyn, Il. 60402
(708) 484-7370