Monday, November 30, 2009
Free Beer
I am going to bribe again. So sad. If anyone comes up to me at tomorrow's Tortured Tuesday, I will buy you a beer.
Mark Weiner is my name.
On December 1, 2009, the Berwyn Art Council's second Tortured Tuesday at the Harlem Avenue Lounge. If you have never been to the Lounge, you have to go. Period. One of the rare Blues bars outside Chicago.
Location is just north of the White Castle at Ogden and Harlem. 6 pm or after. Music begins at 8:30 pm.
Enjoy the amazing and talented John Primer: He began playing guitar at the club, Theresa's, in Chicago between 1974 and 1980, where he was influenced by Sammy Lawhorn who taught him to play slide guitar. He joined the Chicago Blues All-Stars of Willie Dixon in 1979, then the Muddy Waters's band until his death in 1983. Then he joined the Teardrops of Magic Slim and began a solo career on Wolf Records.
Come, support the arts and yourself. Berwyn is full of fine artists, so come on down.