Thursday, May 07, 2009
Police Chief
Correct link below. Sorry.
On May 12 our new mayor and city council members will be sworn in. One of many important decisions the incoming mayor needs to make is whether or not to retain key personnel hired during the former mayor's term. I'm posting today because I believe we need to retain and support Police Chief William Kushner. If you do, too, I want to let you know how you can help. See below for more details about Chief Kushner's accomplishments. And choose from one to four ways you can help keep him in the job.
In just over 3 years on the job, Chief Kushner has done much to make Berwyn a safe community. Under Chief Kushner's leadership, the crime rate has decreased while arrests have increased; graffiti and noise complaints have been addressed in a timely and professional manner, helping to keep more serious crime down; and the Berwyn police department has been recognized for its professionalism by federal agencies. For more information on Chief Kushner's accomplishments, see the list at the end of this post.
Four Ways to Help
(1) Sign an online petition to retain Police Chief Kushner. Sign today or anytime before noon on Tuesday, May 12. To sign, go to:
(2) Write a letter/email of support for Chief Kushner to incoming Mayor Lovero. Send letters to: Mayor-Elect Robert J. Lovero, 6536 W. Cermak Road, Berwyn, IL 60402. Send emails to: 7thward@berwyn- Copy your council member on the letter/email.
(3) Attend the city council meeting on Tuesday, May 12 at 8:00 p.m. at City Hall.
(4) Forward this message on to fellow Berwyn residents asking them to do the things on this list.
Chief Kushner's Accomplishments in the Past 3 Years
Under Chief Kushner's leadership:
*the crime rate has decreased while arrests have increased
*graffiti and noise complaints have been addressed in a timely and professional manner, helping to keep more serious crime down
*WEDGE (the West Suburban Gang Task Force) is up and running
*the police department's lateral officer program has served as a model for departments throughout Illinois and the vehicle impoundment program has been emulated by other agencies
*the police department has been recognized by federal agencies for its professionalism, and now has representation not only on a Drug Enforcement Agency task force but on the US Marshal's Service Great Lakes Regional Task Force, as well
*Berwyn was the first suburban department invited to become a member of the Chicago Police Fusion Center, placing many otherwise unavailable resources within our grasp
*professionalism at the supervisory level has been enhanced through participation in professional development programs conducted by Northwestern University and the FBI
*professional development and competency training has been expanded throughout the ranks; two detectives have successfully completed the Detective Training Program at the Chicago Police Academy
*Department vehicles have been upgraded and new technology purchased to enhance the officer efficiency
*walking patrols by auxiliary officers in areas designated as potential trouble areas or hot spots is expanding, as is the Business Watch Program
*overtime is continuously monitored in an effort to ensure that it is not abused
*Watch Commanders and shift supervisor have been included in the crime reduction strategy efforts, ensuring buy in and accountability
*internship relationships have begun or been renewed with Loyola University, Lewis University, St. Xavier University, Roosevelt University, Western Illinois University, Morton College and Moraine Valley College
*Chief Kushner has successfully completed the requirements necessary in order to be certified as a Chief of Police by the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police; less than 100 of 1800 chiefs in Illinois are certified
If you have any questions or would like to become more involved in this effort, please contact me at Thanks much!