Saturday, May 02, 2009
Education Fundraiser Tonight, Saturday
The 3rd Annual BerwynCARES Spring Fundraiser
Saturday May 2nd at Tiger O'Stylies, 6300 W. Ogden, 7pm
Local Band Goat Rodeo will rock out for scholarships! Tickets are $15 which includes food and entertainment with a cash bar.
Silent Auction and raffle items include theater and restaurant gift certificates, a 2night stay at a Lake Geneva condo, sporting event tickets, spa services, piano and voice lessons and much more! Something for everyone!
You'll pay at the door, but we strongly recommend that you reserve tickets at ALL proceeds go to award scholarships for Morton West students headed to college in the Fall. This year especially, THE NEED IS GREAT!
Please support our scholarship fund by: 1. Attending the event. Reserve tickets by emailing Sponsoring a scholarship in honor of someone or making a monetary donation.3. Donate an item or service to our silent auction.4. Spread the word. This will be a fun opportunity to get together for a GREAT cause.
Call your friends and plan a night out. Alumni, plan a reunion with your old classmates! Together we can make a difference! --
Berwyn C.A.R.E.S.
P.O. Box 397
Berwyn, IL 60402