Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Accomplishments as Alderman
While I hesitate to list my accomplishments as 3rd Ward Alderman, I am proud of what I did get or help accomplish, so, humbly, the following:
1) Able to have Alderpeople give up their gas keys/free gas;
2) If the unions ever contribute to their health insurance premiums in the future, the Alderpeople will, too.
3) Found Police Chief
4) Helped get the Zoning Board of Appeals agenda on the City website so there would be no more surprises, a la the Methadone Clinic
5) Moved significantly forward on establishing a railroad quiet zone on the CN tracks;
6) Helped get defibrillators in all City buildings;
7) Communicated with residents via blog, two town hall meetings per year, and a picnic every year;
8) Pushed Century Station to be completed;
9) Helped set up a system so all Alderpeople receive every month all the Freedom of Information Requests;
10) Helped establish the Berwyn Regional Housing Center;
11) Helped establish the Multi-Unit Crime Free Housing Ordinance;
12) Pushed for a Thai restaurant;
13) Helped change the human relations ordinance to include sexual orientation;
14) Helped establish the noise ordinance wherein cars are ticketed and towed if you can hear noise more than 75 feet away;
15) Helped get bike racks and trash cans into the Depot area;
16) Helped get the red light cameras.
Feel free to come to the May 12, 2009 City Council Meeting at 8:00 pm. It will be my last, and Margaret Paul's first. Or not.