Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Election Results
1st Ward Nona Chapman, dem
2nd Ward, Jeff Boyajian, dem
3rd Ward, Marge Paul, IVB
4th Ward, Michele Skryd, dem
5th Ward, Cesar Santoya, Independent/Sen. Martin Sandoval
6th Ward, Ted Poloshek, dem
7th Ward, Rafael Avila, dem
8th Ward, Nora Laureto, dem(by two votes)
Mayor, Robert Lovero, dem
The three incumbents who ran on the District 100 school board all won.
The Berwyn Park District saw Ed Karasek easily win and newcomer Mario Manfredini also won.
The high school board has two Berwyn people representing us.
Township, all dems, except the last trustee position there is a tie between a dem and IVB candidate.
Voter turnout was incredibly low. The medical clinic referendum easily passed. It will be up to the new administration to pass the proper law or laws.
My prayers below:
That the Mayor-elect will be a full-time Mayor.
That the Mayor-elect will not represent buyers/sellers of Berwyn real estate.
That the Police Chief keep his job.
That the unions will not obtain generous contracts, but reasonable contracts.
That the IT Department Head keep his job.
That the Alderpeople continue without having gas keys.
That our Berwyn property taxes do not go up every year.
That the Alderpeople are not rubber stamps.
That the Mayor-elect not hire friends and those that gave political contributions.
That pink elephants can fly.
Congrats to the winners. To the victor go the spoils(original quote refers to war).
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Any idea why voter turnout was so low this time, compared to the 2005 election? Mark, your regular updates on a host of issues and opportunities have been phenomenally useful during these last few years my wife and I have lived in your ward. Thank you so much for the service you've given. I hope your successor will continue to reach out to the citizens in your ward, as you have done so well and in such a consistently thoughtful way.
Mark, Maybe Marge would like to take over the third ward community blog? Have you asked?
--Steve Brantley third ward resident.
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--Steve Brantley third ward resident.
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