Sunday, March 29, 2009
Bunch Of Stuff
First, the 2009 budget has passed, just in the nick of time. The Berwyn Housing Center still exists; Berwyn Main Street still exists; one more police officer will be hired.
The 16th Street Theater has been chosen by the Chicago Reader as 2009's Best Emerging Theater Company. Read about it here:
Bodhi Thai received a glowing review at Time Out Chicago, four out of six stars.
Read about it here:
And, remember, early voting can be done until Thursday, April 2, 2009 at Berwyn City Hall or numerous other places in Cook County.
School Board, Park District
District 100 School Board
New blood is needed:
Paul Crowe - new blood
Diego Estrella - new blood
Joanne Zendol(reliable leader)
Berwyn Park District
Ana Rios
District 201
Mark Titzer
Theodore Korbos
I also kindly urge you to vote for the IVB, which is closest to my beliefs and ideals. Hopefully, some of the things I was not able to accomplish, can be accomplished with a better IVB slate.
Also, one referendum:
"Shall the Mayor and the Berwyn City Council Pass an Ordinance establishing Locational Restrictions for Medical Clinics located adjacent to Residential Neighborhoods in the City of Berwyn?" Most people would vote yes on this as they do not want a medical clinic just anywhere. I plan on voting yes.