Saturday, February 07, 2009
January, 2009 City Council Recap
I am going to type the Plan for any Snowfall over 2 inches:
1. All main streets will be plowed and salted first.
2. East/west side streets will be cleared curb to curb where possible. Residents are advised to move all vehicles from these streets until this plowing is complete.
3. North/south side streets will be cleared curb to curb where possible. Residents are advised to move as many vehicles to already plowed east/west streets in order to leave more room on the north/south streets to be cleared to the curb.
4. The city parking areas such as Vacin Fairway, Cermak Road and Depot Parking will be plowed in the early morning hours after 3 am either before or after side streets are completed, depending on the time of the storm.
5. The alleys will be plowed down the center with the plow raised 2 inches so as not to bury the garage aprons and allow better access when the accumulation of snow is in excess of six inches.
6. The Public Works Department will always follow the street maintenance sign restrictions until all snow is cleared to the curb on all side streets and snow routes. Residents are advised to move their cars to areas already cleared.
7. Crosswalks and all bus stops will be cleared in the business districts of Roosevelt, Cermak, the Depot area and Ogden Avenue as needed. The crosswalks near schools will also be cleaned as needed.
8. Parking tickets will only be issued under the Street Maintenance ordinance.
9. The odd/even parking restrictions will only apply when a snow emergency is declared and residents are notified by the emergency sirens at all three Fire Stations.
10. When all tasks are complete, the plows will return to the east/west and north/south plan to clear areas not already completed on the first pass.
The library will be open again on Sundays.
The gasoline tax in Berwyn will not be raised from a penny to three cents.
The Vehicle Sticker fee will not be increased.
The City will be doing a study to see what needs to be done to update Maple Pool, which will be ultimately run by the North Berwyn Park District.
T Mobile, which could not get a cell tower at Proksa Park, will be getting one at 6940 W. Ogden, not in a park.
I made a request to have artists paint the AT & T boxes so they are not so ungodly looking. Time will tell what happens. AT & T is giving the city $1,600.00 per box to do with what we will. Seems to me we can get artists, students, etc., to get the job done.
The new 16th Street Firehouse will hopefully be open for business sometime this month, two months behind schedule, which is not too shabby.
A new Redevelopment Agreement will be entered into concerning the Superblock, Cermak and Oak Park. Again, if all goes well, the bank will be a restaurant and the rest of the block will be a four story structure of medical offices, with retail on the first floor.
That is all she wrote; or not.