Berwyn's Arts Blog
Thursday, January 29, 2009
All Berwyn Committee Tonight, Thursday
The All Berwyn Committee will host a Candidate Forum on January 29th, 2009 at 7pm, at City Hall. That is tonight.
Candidates running for School Board, Park District and Township offices will speak.
Check it out. Or not.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
16th Street Theater
Subscribe to the theater. Berwyn's own theater, the 16th Street Theater.
The season begins this weekend. Please support Berwyn's own, real, live theater.
Fun stuff this year! Intimate, accessible and made for your budget.
It only costs $100.00 to subscribe to every play, plus extras! The best bang for your buck in this economy.
As my life segues from City Politics to non-politics, I am going for the arts.
Catch it! to buy tickets, subscribe, check it out, etc.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Church Sale
Please come to 3125 S. Clinton (that's the corner of Clinton and 32nd in Berwyn) between 9 AM and 3 PM THIS SATURDAY, January 24, 2009.
Representative list of items:
Blue swirl Fire King dinnerware
Sturdy BPC monogrammed dinner plates and complimentary dinnerware
Lots of random flatware - 10 cents a piece
Pyrex glass cookware
Lots of vintage ivory, cream, and white table covers - used but still beautiful
They-don't-make-em-like-they-used-to metal and wood folding chairs with (4) storage racks
Full size deep freeze (in that this thing is the size of a standard refrigerator!) just $120!!!
Wrought Iron skillets - 4 or 5 ?!
Miscellaneous kitchenware
Sofas and chairs ripe for recovering - priced to SELL!!!
"Grab Bags" of fabric, project supplies, etc.
Canning jars
Seasonal decorations
Book, Bibles, Hymnals, Encyclopedias
Stuffed animals from the nursery
The Session of Presbyterian Church of Berwyn
Check it out! Or not. But, please do.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Thai Grand Opening
Finally, the new Thai bistro is opening up: Bodhi Thai Bistro, located at 6211 W. Roosevelt.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009, from 5 to 7 pm, Grand Opening Celebration.
The Berwyn Development Corporation invites you to celebrate the Grand Opening of Bodhi Thai Bistro. Network with Berwyn civic officials(fun!), local residents(better!) and business people(who?) at this ribbon-cutting ceremony.
Enjoy a menu sampling and refreshments. Raffle for prizes will begin at 6 pm.
Please RSVP at 708-788-8100 or
Be there. Or not.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
December 2008 City Council Recap
There will be no tax increase for the City of Berwyn in 2009.
The City now owns the old police station site, which is located at the northeast corner of Wesley and 26th Street.
There are supposed to be two new sergeants promoted in the police force. This has been an issued mired in politics. Time will tell what happens.
New police officers have been hired: both new, new officers and those that have prior experience.
La Notte Cafe, Horrorbles/Friendly Tap are businesses getting TIF monies for renovations.
The Ethics Commission in Berwyn, is now fully functional. Three persons were approved by the City Council by unanimous vote.
As always, more took place, but the above are the major highlights.
As the political campaign season gets moving, with a primary set at the end of February, and another election in April, 2009, everyone is posturing much more so than normal, although most of the elected persons have been posturing since day one.
Or not.