Friday, December 19, 2008
Miracle on 22nd Street: 4 to 8 pm, Lombard to Harlem.
Xmas train, Svec Funeral Home, 6227 Cermak, Free
Pony Rides & Petting Zoo, 6532 Cermak, Chase Bank, Free
Batman & Spiderman, Forever Sports, 6907 Cermak, Free
Face Painting, American Career College of Hair Design, 7000 Cermak, Free
Pics w/Santa, Plaza Photography, 6920 W. Cermak, $8.00
Pet Pics w/Clifford, Puppy Shop, 6907 Cermak, $8.00
Tree Lighting Ceremony, 6 pm, Harris Bank, 6655 Cermak
Hayrides, Mraz Park, Oak Park and Riverside
Xmas Trolley
Aguirre Family leading the carolers!
Enjoy! Have fun! Look out for all the politicians! Or not.