Wednesday, December 03, 2008
BDC Afterhours
Berwyn Development Corporation presents:
Second Annual BDC Holiday After Hours
Date: Thursday, December 4, 2008
Time: From 5:30 pm to 9:30 pm
Description: Get together to spread holiday cheer with food, drinks, and good people! Cost is $20 per person.
Again, the BDC will provide an opportunity to make donations for those in need during the holidays. This year, the BDC will partner with Pillars - The Fillmore Center. Suggested donations include Target gift cards, educational games, building blocks, baby items, books for all ages (English & Spanish), hats, gloves, sweatshirts, socks, etc. We will have the box available to take donations all week long at our office, and it will also be available at the Holiday After Hours.
Location: FitzGerald's Sidebar
6615 W. Roosevelt Road
Berwyn, IL
Catered by Wishbone
For more info:
For more information on tickets and to RSVP, please contact the BDC at 708-788-8100.