Berwyn's Arts Blog
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Meeting Recaps
The Zoning Board of Appeals met in September.

The cell phone flag pole at Proksa was unanimously voted down.

Also, a DUI clinic at Lombard and 26th Street was voted down.

Both should be up for approval, or not, at the City Council Meeting on October 14, 2008

The recaps for City Council meetings encompass the September 9 and September 23, 2008meeting.

Refinancing has been approved by the City Council, which basically means we are in a three year process to restructure our bonds/loans, so there are more even payments, with a little money to be able to be put aside for a rainy day fund and to actually pay back the bonds/loans. Complicated.

The 3rd Ward was approved for monies to rehab two alleys: the 3100 and 3200 block between Harlem and Maple. When work will be done, I do not know, but City Council approved the work to be done.

Zoning Board or Appeals agendas and meeting times will now be posted on the City website in two places: "agendas" and :notices".

If you received a recent water bill, you will notice there was a one page City Newsletter with the bill. The City Council approved the Newsletter, which it must do each time. There will be four a year.

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